Category: Uncategorized

  1. No assignments at all!!

    Switching from that one subject that I didn’t like was a good decision I made, coz now I have NO assignments. Just a couple of tests and then the exams. I prefer that coz then u don’t have to keep developing your report over a couple of weeks with the deadline in mind. A test […]

  2. Clinicals

    First clinical placement at 1pm today! At the Northern *woah what a mission* More later!

  3. Hi! My first blog ever…

    Firstly; my excuse for never having written before = email black hole (like where all my socks go… but online) AND laziness. SO, now I am starting. And second up will be my introduction: My name is Anouska. I’m a first year doing straight arts at Melbourne 🙂 My subjects are Psychology (which I’m hoping […]

  4. Semester 2 is here!

    Semester 2 is heftier in terms of workloads and academic requirements, I reckon. But it’s to be expected. What I absolutely LOVE about this semester is the absence of Powerpoint presentations in Chemistry and Physics (hope Maths will soon follow suit). Instead it’s the old whiteboard style where the lecturers actually show you how things […]

  5. Back for another semester (Suzanne)

    … and falling behind already. I have 77 pages of reading for Dispute Resolution for tomorrow, gave up after 50. The dozen or so cases assigned for Torts scares me, but thankfully it’s [short] extracts and not the whole thing, so the total comes to about 20 pages, nice and light. No introductions in lectures […]

  6. Birthdays, beginnings and book launches (Zoë)

    So here we all are, back for another semester. I feel okay at the moment, but yesterday I definitely had the beginning of semester blues. How can five weeks of holidays go so fast? It’s a question I ask myself after every holiday, and I never manage to find an answer. My holidays were excellent. […]

  7. After all the madness..

    By madness I mean, the unlimited exchange of e-mails (majority of them with the subject of SWAPPING). That have come to some kind of ending, I hope. I was quite stunned to see the number ‘157’ to denote the number of unread e-mails I got. And mind you, I didn’t go through all of them. […]

  8. Timetables and textbooks

    So I opened my email inbox, and there are 41 new messages, all from students wanting to swap tute times for law classes. I’m tempted to switch out of my 11-1 Mon/Wed Dispute Resolution class for a 4-6 or 9-11, because then I can take my Aural Studies tute at the right level, instead of […]

  9. Thanks heaps!!

    So, I have completed writing a blog for 1 semester, which is a great achievement for me. It’s quite hard to keep the interest in readers going, you see. As I look back to my blogs, I wonder of the readers I have. Some who post comment, some who don’t. My previous post (Semester 1 […]

  10. Facebook (Georgie)

    So I just joined Facebook, anybody got any idea what it is? Or what it does? Perhaps I should have had an idea of what it was before I signed up, but I got an e-mail and just said yes. Mmmm….

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