Jan de Gier
News articles
News articles
News and opinion articles
- Research and development cuts short-change the nation, The Saturday Paper, September 28, 2024, John Hewson; HTML
- What we miss by not funding maths, Future Campus, June 18, 2024, Jan de Gier; HTML
- If Australia wants innovation it should value expertise more highly, The Australian, December 17, 2021, Jan de Gier; HTML
- New mathematical record: what’s the point of calculating pi?, The Guardian, Aug 17, 2021, Donna Lu; HTML
- Zero-knowledge proofs: validation without information, The Age Examine, Aug 3, 2021; PDF
- Brainstorming MATRIX wins $US600,000 mathematics grant, The Australian, Feb 2, 2021, Jill Rowbotham; HTML
- Calculus ignored even though evidence is we rely on it, Australian Financial Review, Dec 7, 2020, Jan de Gier and Asha Rao; HTML
- Heroines of mathematics, Pursuit 2019, Lito Vilisoni Wilson; HTML
- Prove it – with maths, Pursuit 2019, Daryl Holland; HTML
- The proof behind the man who knew infinity, Pursuit 2016, Jan de Gier and Michael Wheeler; HTML
- Melbourne traffic: Trams push cars out of the slow lane on Smith Street, Collingwood, The Age, Jul 17, 2016, Adam Carey; HTML
- Maths researchers enter the MATRIX to put Australia on the map, Australian Financial Review, Jul 4, 2016, Tim Dodd; HTML
- Discovery for discovery’s sake pays the biggest dividends, Australian Financial Review, Sep 4, 2015, Jan de Gier and Tony Guttmann; HTML
- Research on the roads: the trouble with traffic, International Innovation 180 (2015); HTML, PDF
- Trams that never stop at traffic lights could be part of Melbourne’s people-moving future, ABC News, 13 February 2015, Loretta Florence; HTML
- Melbourne trams may never have to stop at traffic lights, under VicRoads plan The Age, 13 February 2015, Marissa Calligeros; HTML
- Applying physics to better traffic flow, The Australian, Australian IT, 17 January 2012, Jennifer Foreshew; PDF.
- Going places: why better traffic lights make better sense, The Conversation (19 December 2011), J. de Gier and T.M. Garoni; HTML.
- Ending traffic jams, Voice 7(12) (2011), Sally Sherwen; HTML.
- Conference registration deadlines (2010), J. de Gier, and J. Links; PDF
- Maths Matters: Back to the future, Austms Gazette 35(2) (2008), 79–83, J. de Gier; PDF