Below you can find an overview of my publications. See also my profiles at arXiv, Google scholar, INSPIRE and ORCID.
As you can see, so far I have joint publications with Gerard Barkema, Rembert Duine, Wellington Galleas, Rick Keesman (2x), Rob Klabbers, Yuan Miao, Vincent Pasquier (2x) and Didina Serban.
- Y Miao, JL and V Pasquier, On the Q operator and the spectrum of the XXZ model at root of unity, SciPost Phys 11 (2021) 067, arXiv:2012.10224
- R Klabbers and JL, How coordinate Bethe ansatz works for Inozemtsev model, arXiv:2009.14513
- JL, V Pasquier and D Serban, Spin-Ruijsenaars, q-deformed Haldane-Shastry and Macdonald polynomials, arXiv:2004.13210
- JL, The functional method for the domain-wall partition function, SIGMA 14 (2018) 064, arXiv:1801.09635
- JL, Resurrecting the partially isotropic Haldane–Shastry model, Phys Rev B 97 (2018) 214416, arXiv:1801.05728
- R Keesman and JL, A numerical study of the F-model with domain-wall boundaries, Phys Rev E 95 (2017) 052117, arXiv:1702.05474
- JL, On elliptic quantum integrability: vertex models, solid-on-solid models and spin chains, PhD thesis (2016)
- R Keesman, JL, R A Duine and G T Barkema, Finite-size scaling at infinite-order phase transitions, J Stat Mech: Theor Exp 2016 (2016) 093201, arXiv:1605.08876
- JL, Integral formula for elliptic SOS models with domain walls and a reflecting end, Nucl Phys B 901 (2015) 556, arXiv:1510.00342
- JL, A pedagogical introduction to quantum integrability, with a view towards theoretical high-energy physics, PoS Modave2014 (2014) 001, arXiv:1501.06805
- W Galleas and JL, Reflection algebra and functional equations, Nucl Phys B 886 (2014) 1003, arXiv:1405.4281
My BSc and MSc theses can be found at CV.
Last update: 23 Sep ’21