• atedeschi
  1. Nullius in Verba: The Royal Society’s Two Earliest Books

    Earlier this week the Royal Society announced the launch later this year of Royal Society Open Science, an open access peer-reviewed journal publishing scholarly research in …


  2. The Steps to Piranesi

    The Piazza di Spagna, the location of the Spanish Steps, led directly to Giovanni Battista Piranesi’s printmaking and antiquities studio in the Strada Felice. Traversing the …


  3. Hypnerotomachia Poliphili: Woodcuts in the Italian and French Editions

    First published by Aldus Manutius in 1499 and praised for its typographical design and early Renaissance woodcut illustrations, the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili is one of the most …


  4. Bound for a Russian Princess

    Towards the end of last year I highlighted a collection of Russian satirical journals and postcards from the 1905 Revolution. Today’s post continues the Russian theme …


  5. Революция! Russian Satirical Journals from the 1905 Revolution

    In 1977 the University of Melbourne Library acquired a large collection of Russian material from a private collector.[1] Included among the boxes of books, pamphlets and …


Number of posts found: 22