Posted under New acquisitions

  1. The comparison of Christ with the Roman Pope: A new acquisition for the Print Collection

    Image:  The comparison of Christ with the Roman Pope, 1753. Print Collection, The University of Melbourne A colourful 1753 Calvinist broadsheet published in Amsterdam was purchased …

  2. ‘Oh What a Horrid Tale to Sound’: The grisly world of broadside ballads

    New acquisitions to the Baillieu Library Print Collection. From podcasts, to YouTube channels, to Netflix documentaries, and feature films, the modern world loves to enjoy a …

  3. Going to the ballet—A new addition to the Rare Music Collection

    The Baillieu Library’s Rare Music Collection has recently welcomed an exciting new addition. This work comprises two volumes, as part of a limited edition of five …

  4. A Ride to Heaven or to Hell? A new Dutch broadsheet in the Baillieu Library’s collection

    A bizarre wagon surmounted by a seven-headed beast makes its way across the centre of a tumultuous image. The grotesque central motif of this 1621 broadsheet …

  5. The company of the Hanged Man

    It is widely accepted that Tarot cards developed in Italy in the 15th century. They sprang out of the playing card tradition and the first engraved …

Number of posts found: 9