• University of Melbourne Archives
  1. “Single men from Scotland keenly sought”

    “Single men from Scotland are keenly sought” writes James Butchart to his father on his arrival in Port Phillip, where he expects his exercise of the …


  2. 125 years of horticultural education – celebrating Burnley Campus

    Jane Wilson Volunteer Archivist, Burnley Archives Friends of Burnley Gardens The last few weeks have been very busy for me, the Volunteer Archivist for the Burnley …


  3. Mindswap: The Female Eunuch Index Cards

    The Old View, index card

    By Rachel Buchanan, Curator, Germaine Greer Archive The first card is written in a black Texta that has faded, 47 years on, to a bruised purple. In …


  4. Australian Flora – Eucalypts in focus

    On the 26th of January each year, new Australian citizens are given native saplings during Citizenship ceremonies around the country. Many of these saplings will be …


  5. Mrs Pankhurst, her daughter and the Prime Minister: the suffragettes and the Great War

    Emmeline Pankhurst to Billy Hughes

    The recently released movie Suffragette has introduced a new audience to the extraordinary history of the movement for women’s suffrage in the United Kingdom, in particular its …


Number of posts found: 124