Posted under Spotlight on student work

  1. The Una Fraser Collection

    Una Fraser with Malcolm Fraser, 1930

    The Una Fraser collection in the University of Melbourne Archives includes two large scrapbooks of various ephemera – newspaper cut-outs, photos, letters – collected by Una …

  2. The Overland Letter

    James Graham, overland letter, 12 July 1839

    Nathaniel Cutter James Graham’s Overland Letter provides a vivid account of the early settlement of Victoria and of the hopefulness of many of its settlers, and …

  3. Archive of a Refugee Scientist

    Today 9 June is International Archives Day, and in September the International Council on Archives is holding its Congress in Seoul on the topic of Archives, …

  4. Secrets and Signatures

    Rebekah J. Harris – PhD Candidate in History at the University of Melbourne School of Culture and Communications The most alluring aspect of an archival family collection …

  5. Business as usual: correspondence from the Bright Family Papers

    Nell Ustundag (PhD Candidate in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies at the University of Melbourne) Nothing is quite like handling and reading original hand-written correspondence. …

Number of posts found: 62