Posted under Una Porter photograph album

  1. Anniversary of the Chinese Republic

    Katherine Molyneux It is a photograph of an dusty street in an unnamed city. There are bicycles and a blurry power line. In the background is …

  2. On Una Porter’s Photograph Album

    "Wesley college masters", 1926

    Oscar T. Serquiña, Jr. A personal photograph collection may reveal the roots and routes of its collector’s life. While its primary function is to collate representations …

  3. “The Thoughtful East” / “Masters. Jaupur”

    India photograph album, 1926

    Nathan McCall Accompanying the photographs are captions written by Ms Porter. These captions present an insight into Ms Porter’s reactions to some of the people and …

  4. Narrating Photography

    "Outcastes", India photograph album, 1926

    Alice Helme A picture says a thousand words. We all know that ubiquitous and often overused phrase. It is the cornerstone of art analysis and an …

  5. “Dom Types”

    "Dom types", photograph album, 1926

    Charmaine Toh Martyn Jolly has noted that photographic albums were both oral and visual records – their owners would show them to friends and family accompanied …

Number of posts found: 6