Posts tagged with Greer Archive

  1. “A library is a pleasure dome…”: Germaine Greer and libraries

    Sarah Brown – Archivist, Germaine Greer Archive “Libraries are reservoirs of strength, grace and wit, reminders of order, calm and continuity, lakes of mental energy, neither …

  2. Germaine Greer Meets the Archivists

    8 March 2017 (International Women’s Day 2017) Kathleen Fitzpatrick Lecture Theatre, The University of Melbourne By Rachel Tropea, Senior Research Archivist, Digital Scholarship (University of Melbourne), …

  3. Women’s Liberation and Feminist Sources at UMA

    Women's Liberation: March on March

    Sue Fairbanks, Acting University Archivist When Germaine Greer visited Australia in 1971 to see her family and promote the paperback edition of The Female Eunuch, the …

  4. ‘Well, hello machine’: Timecoding audio in the Germaine Greer Archive

    by Kate Hodgetts, Audio Cataloguer Imagine that you are a passenger in a car. The car is being driven through the British countryside. Your driver, Germaine …

  5. Mindswap: The Female Eunuch Index Cards

    The Old View, index card

    By Rachel Buchanan, Curator, Germaine Greer Archive The first card is written in a black Texta that has faded, 47 years on, to a bruised purple. In …