Posts tagged with World War One

  1. Microcosm of a global disaster

    By Margaret Mary Sheehan In the pages of the ‘Influenza Temporary Hospital Staff Register’, held by the  University of Melbourne Archives, is evidence of the Spanish …

  2. War and Peace: Stories of endeavour from the Australian Red Cross Collection

    Chelsea Harris Public Programs and Audience Engagement, University of Melbourne Archives Within the University of Melbourne Archives’ 20 kilometres of records sits a relatively new acquisition, …

  3. Mrs Pankhurst, her daughter and the Prime Minister: the suffragettes and the Great War

    Emmeline Pankhurst to Billy Hughes

    The recently released movie Suffragette has introduced a new audience to the extraordinary history of the movement for women’s suffrage in the United Kingdom, in particular its …

  4. “sheets and a bed – glorious”

    “sheets and a bed – glorious.” So describes Wilberforce Newton’s delight in his hospital accommodations on 12th November 1915. Plagued by suspected bronchitis whilst serving with the …

  5. Alfred Plumley Derham: soldier, medic, poet, ANZAC

    Geoffrey Laurenson – Professional Library Cadet Georgina Ward – Assistant Archivist The story of Alfred Plumley Derham is one of a young medical student who showed great …

Number of posts found: 6