Episode Thirteen: Audio stories beyond the narrative arc with Miyuki Jokiranta

In this episode we speak to radio producer and podcaster Miyuki Jokiranta about audio stories. We discuss the challenges of capturing people’s attention via their ears as well as the seductive power of conventional modes of storytelling. Miyuki introduces us to the ethical imperative to rethink how we structure narratives and who we centre as storytellers. This ‘how to’ episode offers insights into the process of planning and creating stories for audio. 


Check out Miyuki’s list of listens:

Radio Atlas: https://www.radioatlas.org/

XMTR: https://www.socialbroadcasts.co.uk/xmtr

Constellations: https://constellationssounds.org/

RDR Manifesto: https://ro.uow.edu.au/rdr/vol8/iss1/4/