NEW PUBLICATION | The influence of host adaptation on crop rotations in managing the redlegged earth mite
Words and photo: Xuan Cheng
This research has been published in the Journal of Economic Entomology
The redlegged earth mite, Halotydeus destructor (Tucker) (Trombidiformes: Penthaleidae) is a polyphagous economic pest in Australia, attacking a broad range of host plants in broadacre farming systems1. Although applications of pesticides are currently the main method in managing earth mites, resistance against pyrethroid and organophosphate chemicals has been found in some populations of H. destructor2–4. In order to postpone the evolution of pesticides resistance, it is essential to develop alternative control practices, such as crop rotations.
Host plant preferences between different species of earth mites (e.g. H. destructor and Penthaleus spp.) have been evaluated in previous studies while results were inconsistent. A previous study suggested that H. destructor had a poor survival and reproduction in wheat and oats5, while another study showed that H. destructor survived and reproduced well on these plants6. Interestingly, mites in the former and latter studies were collected from habitats dominated by clovers and thick-blade grasses, respectively. Clovers belonged to the Fabaceae family, while thick-blade grasses, wheat and oats all belong to the Poaceae family. Therefore, mites in the former study experienced a shift of host species from different families, while mites in the latter study had a shift to host species of the same family.
Many studies show that polyphagous arthropod species can evolve into genetically-based host races to adapt to different defense systems of host plants7–12. However, genetic studies suggest that H. destructor isn’t subdivided into either host races or geographical races, rather, represents a single population in in Australia13–15. Hence our study aims to investigate whether host adaptation without causes performance trade-offs on H. destructor even without genetic differentiated races. Adult mites were collected in the same suburb from grasses, legumes and broad-leaf weeds, which belonged to Poaceae, Fabaceae and Asteraceae families, respectively. Then, each mite origin was introduced and reared in microcosms with either grasses, legumes or broad-leaf weeds in order to investigate whether mite performance was impacted by the interaction between the original and introduced host plants.
Our results showed a significant effect of the interaction on the survival and net reproductive output of the parental generation, as well as offspring development and feeding damage. In general, performances were poorer if the original plant type differed to the introduced plant type in microcosms, even though these plants have been reported as suitable hosts. These findings indicate that host adaptation harboured fitness costs which are potentially useful to suppress the population size of H. destructor in crop rotations.
1 Ridsdill-Smith TJ, Biology and control of Halotydeus destructor (Tucker) (Acarina: Penthaleidae): a review, Exp Appl Acarol 21:193–223 (1997).
2 Umina PA, Pyrethroid resistance discovered in a major agricultural pest in southern Australia: the redlegged earth mite Halotydeus destructor (Acari: Penthaleidae), Pest Manag Sci 63:1185–1190 (2007).
3 Umina PA, Lord A, Micic S, and Edwards O, Discovery and characterisation of field resistance to organophosphorus chemicals in a major mite pest, Halotydeus destructor, Pest Manag Sci 73:1719–1724 (2017).
4 Maino JL, Binns M, and Umina P, No longer a west-side story – pesticide resistance discovered in the eastern range of a major Australian crop pest, Halotydeus destructor (Acari: Penthaleidae), Crop Pasture Sci 69:216–221 (2018).
5 Robinson MT and Hoffmann AA, The pest status and distribution of three cryptic blue oat mite species (Penthaleus spp.) and redlegged earth mite (Halotydeus destructor) in southeastern Australia, Exp Appl Acarol 25:699–716 (2001).
6 Umina PA and Hoffmann AA, Plant host associations of Penthaleus species and Halotydeus destructor (Acari: Penthaleidae) and implications for integrated pest management, Exp Appl Acarol 33:1–20 (2004).
7 Migeon A, Nouguier E, and Dorkeld F, Spider mites web: A comprehensive database for the Tetranychidae, ed. by Sabelis MW and Bruin J, Trends in Acarology, Springer Netherlands, pp. 557–560 (2010).
8 Agrawal AA, Host-range evolution: adaptation and trade-offs in fitness of mites on alternative hosts, Ecology 81:500–508 (2000).
9 Gotoh T, Bruin J, Sabelis MW, and Menken SBJ, Host race formation in Tetranychus urticae: genetic differentiation, host plant preference, and mate choice in a tomato and a cucumber strain, Entomol Exp Appl 68:171–178 (1993).
10 Navajas M, Host plant associations in the spider mite Halotydeus destructor (Acari: Tetranychidae): insights from molecular phylogeography, Exp Appl Acarol 22:201–214 (1998).
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12 Weeks AR, van Opijnen T, and Breeuwer JA, AFLP fingerprinting for assessing intraspecific variation and genome mapping in mites, Exp Appl Acarol 24:775–793 (2000).
13 Weeks AR, Fripp YJ, and Hoffmann AA, Genetic structure of Halotydeus destructor and Penthaleus major populations in Victoria (Acari: Penthaleidae), Exp Appl Acarol 19:633–646 (1995).
14 Hill MP, Hoffmann AA, Umina PA, Cheng X, and Miller AD, Genetic analysis along an invasion pathway reveals endemic cryptic taxa, but a single species with little population structure in the introduced range, Divers Distrib 22:57–72 (2016).
15 Qin TK, Population genetics of redlegged earth mites Halotydeus destructor and H. anthropus (Acarina: Penthaleidae) from Australia and or South Africa, Bull Entomol Res 87:289–298 (1997).