Our paper on hyperpolarisation with NV ensembles published in PRApplied
Our paper entitled Polarization Transfer to External Nuclear Spins Using Ensembles of Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers, by Alex Healey et al, was published in Physical Review Applied.
Our review paper on ferritin detection techniques published
Our review paper entitled Re-examining ferritin-bound iron: current and developing clinical tools, by Erin Grant et al, was published in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. The …
Our paper on NV layer formation published in PhysRevMater
Our paper entitled Comparison of different methods of nitrogen-vacancy layer formation in diamond for wide-field quantum microscopy, by Alex Healey et al, was published in Physical …
Our paper on source reconstruction from vector magnetic field measurements published in PRApplied
Our paper entitled Improved current density and magnetization reconstruction through vector magnetic field measurements, by David Broadway et al, was published in Physical Review Applied.
Our paper on ultrathin magnetic vanadium triiodide published in Advanced Materials
Our paper entitled Imaging Domain Reversal in an Ultrathin Van der Waals Ferromagnet, by David Broadway, Sam Scholten, et al, was published in Advanced Materials. It …
Julia’s paper on the cover of Small Methods
Julia’s paper on chiton teeth imaging, published online in January, has made the cover of Small Methods. See also our press release. Congrats Julia!
Our paper on diamond nanopillar arrays for sensing published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Our paper entitled Enhanced widefield quantum sensing with nitrogen-vacancy ensembles using diamond nanopillar arrays, by Dan McCloskey et al, was published in ACS Applied Materials & …
Our paper on superconductor imaging published in Nano Letters
Our paper entitled Laser Modulation of Superconductivity in a Cryogenic Wide-field Nitrogen-Vacancy Microscope, by Scott Lillie et al, was published in Nano Letters. This is the …
Our paper on imaging chiton teeth published in Small Methods
Our paper entitled Quantum magnetic imaging of iron biomineralisation in teeth of the chiton Acanthopleura hirtosa, by Julia McCoey et al, was published in Small Methods. …
The Cryogenic Quantum Microscope Facility is now open!
The University of Melbourne’s School of Physics is now home to a unique facility that incorporates a quantum microscope into a special refrigerator (called a cryostat) …
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