How to turn your journal article into an infographic

Image via Pixabay

Translating academic research into visual content with an impact


There is an increasing demand for research to be presented in a visually engaging way, in order to make information accessible and have a high impact. Sharing information by way of infographics is an accessible method to create content.

Hubspot Marketing tells us that Infographics are “liked” and shared on social media 3 times more than other any other content type and that internet readers pay close attention to information-carrying images.

The Journal of Marketing Management (JMM) blog has shared a number of tips for specifically turning your journal article into an infographic.

In her blog post ‘From paper to picture: creating an infographic from your research’, Laurence Dessart records her process of creating an infographic out of her JMM article.

Demystifying the content of heavy academic work is a tough task [but] digital dissemination of research content is increasingly useful.

– Laurence Dessart

Image via Pixabay

Tips on how to create a good infographic out of your research project

from Laurence Dessart


  • Create a story.
  • Think of the big idea.
  • Think of your audience and what they expect from an infographic.
  • Select a tool to do it.
  • Visual, always visual.



Steps and considerations:


  • Storyboard

– Title

– Purpose

– Context

– Approach

– Key Findings

– Implications/Impact

  • Wireframe

– Focus on the big idea

– Consider your hierarchy


  • Visualise

– Graphics – simple charts and icons

– Clear images

– Check copyright permissions

– Keep it simple – remember to include whitespace


  • Design

– Consider audience 

– Appearance – alignment, balance, typeface, legible text, sparing use of colour (colour theory)

– Shareable – social media sizing


  • Build

Build using online tools such as:






  • Publish

– Cite external sources

– Proof read

– Link to your article, including DOI

– Add your contact details

– Export format (web-friendly)

– Indicate copyright – Creative Commons Licence


  • Promote

– Remember to include metadata

– Provide social sharing or embed a code (learn how here)

– Share via networks and social media


Checklist for your infographic


  1. What is the headline?
  2. What is the narrative?
  3. What are the key points?
  4. What is the focal point?
  5. Are there any surprises?
  6. What are the implications?
  7. How do we find out more?


Image by Pixabay

Read the whole JMM how-to post here, and Laurence Dessart’s one here.





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