Posted under Data management

  1. Gallipoli Battlefield Survey – Read about Professor Tony Sagona’s archeological research

    Professor Tony Sagona and a team of archeologists, historians, classicists, geographers and government officials from Australia, New Zealand and Turkey, have been surveying the Gallipoli battlefield. …

  2. Formula One Racing – YES F1 – is helping to save babies. A great DATA STORY.

    Formula One certainly gets a lot of bad press – especially in Melbourne! But here is a good news data story worth hearing (even if it …

  3. EndNote X7 for Windows available.

    The latest version of EndNote for Windows is available for students to download to their own personal computers from the University EndNote website. EndNote X7 for …

  4. Update to Online Search feature in EndNote for Library Catalogue

    Due to recent upgrades to the University of Melbourne Library Catalogue, the current EndNote connection file that provides ‘Online searching’ of the Library Catalogue from within …

  5. Research Data Policy update

    The University policy for the Management of Research Data and Records is now available in the University Policy Library For more information about research data management guides, …

  6. Which citation manager or bibliographic management software should I use?

    EndNote, Mendeley, RefWorks, Citavi, Zotero,  JabRef?

  7. How to get the most from your research data

    Good research data management practice enables verification of research outcomes, supports future research and enables sharing and reuse of research data. ITS Research Services can show …

  8. Have you heard about 3D Fabrication?

    Digital fabrication is a technique whereby a digital 3D object, such a CAD model of a house, is produced as a physical object. There are several …

  9. New research impact advisory service

    Research Impact Library Advisory Service (RILAS) focuses on providing various research evaluation measures, including metrics, to University of Melbourne researchers to support their research grant applications.

Number of posts found: 40
