Posted under Researching

  1. Streamline your access to our online resources

    The University of Melbourne Library subscribes to substantial collections of online journals, e-books, databases and websites that students and staff can access for free, from their own …

  2. Welcome new researchers

    Welcome aboard

    Some library resources to get you started.   New Researchers’ Library Guide  This handy guide highlights Library resources and services for research staff and graduate research …

  3. More University of Melbourne libraries are open


    Hot of the press: more University of Melbourne libraries are open for our staff and students.  The Baillieu Library, the Giblin Eunson Library, the Brownless Biomedical …

  4. Researchers’ reflections on the 2020 Visualise Your Thesis Competition

    It’s been a big year in more ways than one. During a time when we’ve had to dig deep to continue to find good things, it’s …

  5. Access newspapers & other digital subscriptions

    This post was published in 2020 – you can find an updated 2024 post about newspaper access here.  Did you know that you can access many …

  6. IET Inspec database reaches milestone 20 million total records

    Are you looking for some inspiration for your next research venture? Or are you compiling a comprehensive literature review in the field of engineering, physics or …

  7. Leverage research in your teaching – #DataCreativities workshop on 14/12/2020

    In 2020, COVID-19 forced most of our teaching and research online. Our work practices have had to shift, and we have needed to embrace digital tools. …

  8. Keep learning over the summer

    Looking for new ideas & training to accelerate your research? Check out these 3 online resources: Managing Data @Melbourne – The University’s online research data management …

  9. Supporting Research Survey

    The University Library (Scholarly Services) is exploring opportunities for reciprocal exchange of materials from a range of International Library consortia of which we are a member, …

  10. Accelerating your Literature Search – NVivo Research Network Meeting

    Need help accelerating your Literature search? Join this virtual NVivo Research Network meeting to discuss best practices of Literature Review, examples using NVivo with software, and …

Number of posts found: 349
