Posted under Researching

  1. *drumroll* Announcing the 2020 International Visualise Your Thesis Competition Winners …

    Who were our 2020 winners for the Visualise Your Thesis Competition? It was fierce competition with entries from 21 universities from 5 countries internationally.

  2. Does your research require ethics approval? Introducing Infonetica ERM

    The new Infonetica Ethics Review Manager (ERM) system is now live for researchers to create and submit new human research ethics applications. Researchers no longer have …

  3. How to produce robust, reliable and open research

    For Open Access Week 2020, Dimity Flanagan (Manager, Scholarly Communications) is speaking with researchers across the University of Melbourne about why Open Access is important and …

  4. Seeking social justice in scholarly publishing

    For Open Access Week 2020, Dimity Flanagan (Manager, Scholarly Communications) is speaking with researchers across the University of Melbourne about why Open Access is important and …

  5. NVivo Training with Research Computing Services

    Research Computing Services - Training and Community for Researchers, By Researchers

    Looking for a tool to organise and analyse your qualitative research data? NVivo may be the answer for you. Check out the many exciting NVivo training …

  6. REDCap & Other Survey Tools for your Research | ICYMI

    Do you use survey tools for your research? There are upcoming training opportunities for REDCap users. In case you missed it (ICYMI), we’ve included other survey …

  7. Text Mining Tools for Your Research

    Are you a researcher working on text-based projects? Ever tried to make sense of all those social media posts, or analyse a long and complex literary …

  8. Events & Training in October 2020

      Looking for free online events this October? Here’s a selection of available training, and you can find more at the Library Research Training or News …

  9. Systematic Reviews | Advice

    Systematic Reviews, Tools and Services. Providing expertise and systems to manage systematic reviews. Link:

    Writing a systematic review can seem daunting, and trying to figure out what research has been done on a particular topic can leave you scratching your …

  10. Market Research for Industry Engagement | ICYMI

    Market Research for Industry Engagement

    How might you better engage with your industry as a researcher? The Business Economics Library offers training and resources in this webinar recording.

Number of posts found: 349
