Where to go for Resources to learn more about Creative Commons (CC) licences

The University of Melbourne Copyright Office provides detailed information on Creative Commons (CC) licences that allow authors to nominate how they would like people to be able to use and reuse their work. We recommend visiting the web page to view information on common CC licences used in academia.

In the spirit of Open Access Week 2022 last week, Open Access Australasia recently posted an interesting piece by Richard White Manager, Copyright & Open Access at University of Otago Aotearoa New Zealand.

Read it here

News and Upcoming Events for November 2022

Throughout 2022 at the end of each month the Scholarly Development (Research) team will provide a snapshot of relevant scholarly research support news and events for the coming month.

Digital Skills Training

The Melbourne Data Analytics Platform invites graduate researchers and staff to register for our free digital research tool workshops. Connect with the UoM research community, discover how to collect and analyse data, visualise your research and work smarter not harder.

Our tools include:

  • 3D Printing with TinkerCAD, Rhino3d and Makerbot Slicer
  • LaTeX, a document preparation and high-quality typesetting system
  • MATLAB, an interactive and intuitive programming language which performs matrix manipulations especially well
  • NVivo, a qualitative data analysis tool
  • Python, a general-purpose programming language
  • R, a programming language for statistical computing and graphics

Please visit the Digital Skills Training page for more information on the availability of workshops.

If you have any queries please send them to: researcher-connect@unimelb.edu.au

Statistical Consulting Centre Courses

The Statistical and Consulting Centre runs fee-paying courses that anyone can enroll in subject to satisfying prerequisites.

Upcoming courses include:

Mixed Models in R

Online over two mornings: Tuesday 8 and Thursday 10 November 2022.

This course is suitable for researchers who need to fit mixed models to their data. Mixed models are also known as multi-level models or hierarchical models, and arise in most disciplines, in both designed experiments and observational studies. Some examples are cluster randomised trials in medicine, incomplete block designs in agriculture, hierarchical structures in education, repeated measures in the social sciences, and nested factors in ecology.


Some familiarity with R is necessary. One way of obtaining such familiarity, and learning useful statistics along the way, would be to take one of the following courses offered by the Statistical Consulting Centre:

  • Statistics for Research Workers using R and R Markdown – November 2022
  • Introduction to R and Reproducible Research – September 2022

Information and registering: https://scc.ms.unimelb.edu.au/statistics-courses/course-listing/mixed-models

Statistics for Research Workers using R and R Markdown

Face to face, six day intensive: 23 to 30 November 2022.

This course provides an introduction to foundational statistical methods and ideas used throughout statistics and data science.  It uses R statistical software with RStudio and R Markdown. You will gain experience in the use of R as part of the course, but the focus is on statistical methods.

Information and registering: https://scc.ms.unimelb.edu.au/statistics-courses/course-listing/srw-R

Visualise Your Thesis International Competition Winners Announced

Congratulations to all the 2022 institutions for hosting a local competition and congratulate all the local winners that went on to the International competition.

View the full list of 2022 Local winners that competed in the international competition on the VYT 2022 Figshare repository.

2022 1st Place
Drew Min Su Cylinder
Neural Correlates of Behavioural Changes During Propofol General Anaesthesia in Caenorhabditis Elegans, The University of Queensland.

2022 2nd Place
Freya Muir
New Quest: Protect Our Beaches from Climate Change! The University of Glasgow.

2022 3rd Place
Samuel Widodo
Switching cancer-promoting macrophages to fight brain cancer,  The University of Melbourne.

2022 Trending VYT Award Winner
Drew Min Su Cylinder
Neural Correlates of Behavioural Changes During Propofol General Anaesthesia in Caenorhabditis Elegans, The University of Queensland.

More information: https://sites.research.unimelb.edu.au/visualise-your-thesis#2022

Library items now Automatically Renewed

We’re happy to announce that from 11 October, we have implemented automatic renewals for 7 day, 28 day and 90 day loans. This means Sierra will renew eligible items automatically and library users won’t have to manually renew items.

This change is a result of feedback we have received from staff and students, a review we completed of other similar libraries across Australia, and our ongoing drive for continual improvement of our services.

All 7 day, 28 and 90 day loans will be automatically renewed unless:

  • Someone else has requested the item
  • The patron has fines amounting to $25 or over
  • The patron reaches the limit for autorenewals
  • It is a BONUS+ item

More information: please check here

New Request form for Orders

Collection Development have created a new Service Now form for suggesting material to be purchased for the library’s collections. Your one stop to request the purchase of a book, a journal or something else, the form can be found under the Library section of the Service Now Portal.

The Contact the Library page has been updated to reflect the new form.

Open Access Week 2022: Open for Climate Justice

Post by Dr Zachary Kendal (Scholarly Communications Consultant).

Swift action to prevent catastrophic climate change is essential. So why does so much climate research remain behind paywalls?

What we find, when we ask this question, is the intersection of two injustices. First, that the most devastating impacts of climate change will fall on the low- and middle-income countries of the Global South. And second, that these same countries are more significantly impacted by financial barriers to research than the higher-income countries of the Global North (Tennant et al., 2016).

These issues are at the core of International Open Access Week 2022, the theme of which is Open for Climate Justice. As in previous years, Open Access Australasia is planning an excellent series of webinars. Running 25-28 October 2022, the sessions will feature experts on open access and climate change from across Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and the Pacific. Panels include:

  • Climate injustice in the Pacific: How can open science support vulnerable communities?
  • Look at the evidence: Climate journalism and open science
  • All together now: Citizen science and climate justice
  • Real world impacts: How does open access tackle climate (in)justice?

You can even join a two-part workshop and collaborate on the creation of an open educational resource (OER) on climate change and climate justice. This workshop, Get your hands (figuratively) dirty to help the planet, is a collaboration between Open Access Australasia and the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL).

Find out more about these sessions and register on the Open Access Australasia website.

This year’s theme asks why, in 2022, so much vital climate research remains locked behind expensive paywalls. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020, major academic publishers made research into the virus publicly available, reasoning that the magnitude of the public health crisis outweighed the profits at stake. Researchers and the public are now asking: doesn’t the same rationale apply to climate research? Isn’t the magnitude of the climate crisis sufficient to make it open?

These questions also resonate with a wider open climate movement that has been gaining momentum in 2022. In August, we saw Creative Commons, SPARC, and EIFL launch the Open Climate Campaign, “a four-year campaign to open research in climate science and biodiversity in order to accelerate progress towards solving the climate crisis and preserving global biodiversity” (EIFL, 2022). In September, Branch magazine published a special issue, The Open Climate Edition, following engagement with their earlier article, “Open Climate Now!” (Dosemagen et al., 2021).

If you’d like to find out more about open access and the different ways you can make your research more open, please visit our Open Scholarship website and Open Research Guide. Staff and students at the University of Melbourne can also join our Open Access Week Researcher@Library sessions:

Researcher Connect Digital Communities – 24-28 October 2022

Researcher Connect is a program of workshops, training and events for researchers. Develop your digital research and data skills to expand your research capability, and explore the facilities and platforms available to you.Refine your digital skills, build networks and share ideas with like-minded researchers across the UoM community at Digital Communities – 24-28 October 2022. Featuring in-person workshops, demos and conversations along with social events, and keynote from Professor Olivia Carter, Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences.

Check out the full program and register now to secure your place and help the team plan numbers and refreshments.

Visit the website here

Visualise Your Thesis 2022 Trending on VYT competition – Results are in!

Congratulations to the winner of the Visualise Your Thesis 2022 Trending on VYT competition! 

Drew Min Su Cylinder won with their entry ‘Neural Correlates of Behavioural Changes During Propofol General Anaesthesia in Caenorhabditis Elegans’, which received 4593 views on Figshare over the trending week!

Figshare is delighted to sponsor this year’s Trending on VYT winner with a  Gold Membership, lasting 12 months, to the Research Impact Academy.

The Research Impact Academy works to unveil the incredible research that is being done around the world through specialised training solutions, consulting, and global membership for researchers and research support staff. They unite global expertise to support local expertise and save you time by making it easier for your research to be accessible.

The membership includes the following:

  • Access to checklists, cheat sheets and workbooks
  • Access to monthly webinar recordings
  • Be part of the Members Only Facebook community
  • Access to all Research Impact Summit Interviews
  • Two 30 Minute consulting sessions
  • Quarterly member meet-ups

For more information about the membership, kindly visit the Research Impact Academy website.

Learn more about the competition: https://sites.research.unimelb.edu.au/visualise-your-thesis

Enquiries: visualise-thesis@unimelb.edu.au

Vote for your favourite Entry – Visualise Your Thesis International

The full list of 2022 Local winners competing in the international competition are now available to view on the VYT 2022 figshare repository.

Now is the time to vote for your favourite entry!

Do not forget to tweet/retweet your pick with the hashtag #TrendingOnVYT

How it works:

  • The winner is selected based on how many views their video receives on the VYT International Figshare repository.
  • Views will be counted between: October 3rd 00:01 – October 9th 23:59 (Melbourne, Australia time).
  • No bots! Each view must be a real and actual person.
  • The winner will be announced on twitter October 10th 2022.

The Prize:

Figshare is delighted to sponsor this year’s Trending on VYT winner with a  Gold Membership, lasting 12 months, to the Research Impact Academy.

The Research Impact Academy works to unveil the incredible research that is being done around the world through specialised training solutions, consulting, and global membership for researchers and research support staff. They unite global expertise to support local expertise and save you time by making it easier for your research to be accessible.

The membership includes the following:

  • Access to checklists, cheat sheets and workbooks
  • Access to monthly webinar recordings
  • Be part of the Members Only Facebook community
  • Access to all Research Impact Summit Interviews
  • Two 30 Minute consulting sessions
  • Quarterly member meet-ups

For more information about the membership, kindly visit the Research Impact Academy website.

Save the date! This years judges will select the winners of the First, Second and Third prizes. The announcement will be made October 19th at the eResearch Australasia Conference with a social media announcement following the awards event for those that cannot make the conference.

More information: https://sites.research.unimelb.edu.au/visualise-your-thesis#2022

Enquiries: visualise-thesis@unimelb.edu.au

News and Upcoming Events for October 2022

Throughout 2022 at the end of each month the Scholarly Development (Research) team will provide a snapshot of relevant scholarly research support news and events for the coming month.

Register for upcoming Researcher@Library Webinars

Researcher@Library offers a range of resources to help graduate researchers and academics develop their advanced library research skills and digital capabilities.

Registrations are open for upcoming Researcher@Library webinars:

  • Open Access and Your Thesis
  • Open Research 101
  • Break Free! An Open Access Escape Room
  • Beyond traditional metrics: Finding alternative evidence of impact and engagement

More information and registration: https://library.unimelb.edu.au/services/workshops-and-tours/research-training

Enquiries: libraryresearch-tickets@unimelb.edu.au

Visualise Your Thesis International Competition Trend Voting and Awards Announcement

The full list of 2022 Local winners competing in the international competition on the VYT 2022 figshare repository.

You can vote for your favorite entry. The VYT Trending winner is selected based on how many views their video receives on the VYT International Figshare repository. Views will be counted between: October 3rd 00:01 – October 9th 23:59 (Melbourne, Australia time). The winner will be announced on Twitter October 10th.

This years judges will select the winners of the First, Second and Third prizes. The announcement will be made October 19th at the eResearch Australasia Conference with a social media announcement following the awards event for those that cannot make the conference.

More information: https://sites.research.unimelb.edu.au/visualise-your-thesis#2022


Researcher Connect – Digital Community

Save the dates! The next program will run 24-28 October 2022. More details to be announced soon.

More information: https://gateway.research.unimelb.edu.au/researcherdevelopment/researcher-connect/digital-skills-training

Enquiries: researcher-connect@unimelb.edu.au

Open Access Week 2022

Open Access Australasia has organised a compelling series of panel webinars for Open Access Week, running 25-28 October 2022. The theme this year is “Open for Climate Justice” and webinar topics include climate journalism, citizen science, open access controversies, open educational resources (OERs), and climate justice in the Pacific region. View the full program and register.

To celebrate Open Access Week 2022 the Researcher@Library will have three Open themed sessions:

  • Open Access and Your Thesis
  • Open Research 101
  • Break Free! An Open Access Escape Room

More information and registration: https://library.unimelb.edu.au/services/workshops-and-tours/research-training

Enquiries: libraryresearch-tickets@unimelb.edu.au

Welcome to Peer Review Week 2022! 

PRW is an annual event that highlights the importance of peer review in the scholarly ecosystem. The theme for PRW 2022 is “Research Integrity: Creating and supporting trust in research”, highlighting the ways in which peer review contributes to and reinforces trust in scholarship. 

In celebration of Peer Review Week check out Zachary Kendal, Scholarly Communications Consultant, three-part series on Peer Review. The series features the perspectives of four senior editors of academic journals in different fields:

Prof Simine Vazire, Professor of Psychology Ethics and Wellbeing at the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, UoM (Editor-in-Chief of Collabra: Psychology) 

Prof William LockeDirector of the Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education, UoM (Founding Joint Editor of Policy Reviews in Higher Education) 

Prof Norie Neumark, Honorary Principal Fellow at the Victorian College of the Arts, UoM (Founding Editor of Unlikely: Journal for the Creative Arts) 

Dr Esther Levy, Wiley (Editor-in-Chief, Advanced Materials Technologies) 

Click on the link below to read part one, two and three:

Part One: An introduction to peer review and some advice for reviewers

Part Two: Peer review processes and advice for authors

Part Three: The future of peer review in a changing landscape


Sustainability at UoM

We recommend checking out the Sustainability on campus website to learn about the sustainability initiatives on campus. You can learn about the huge range of research happening across the University that works towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals here.

Do not forget to complete the 2022 Sustainability Survey before 11.59pm on Friday 16 September and go into the running to win a range of prizes, including vouchers for Zoos Victoria, vegetarian restaurant Lona Misa, and more. By completing the survey, you’re helping to shape future sustainability initiatives and guide improvements to current programs.

Survey link: https://go.unimelb.edu.au/5vpe

Survey enquiries: francisca.ramirez@unimelb.edu.au



Register for the next Researcher Connect Digital Skills Meet Up

Researcher Connect, in collaboration with Digital Science, is running a series of in-person digital skills meet ups (DSMU) throughout 2022.

Join us Tuesday, September 20th at 3:00-4:00pm at the South bank campus.

Come along to learn more about the support on offer at the university, find answers to your coding questions, meet people conducting similar- or widely different!- research to you, and contribute to the growing conversations around all things digital support. 

Bonus: Digital Science has put a tab on the local café, so be sure to arrive early if caffeine is of a high priority.

More information: https://rduevents.unimelb.edu.au/event/586-digital-skills-meet-up

Enquiries: researcher-connect@unimelb.edu.au

Number of posts found: 227
