Posted under News

  1. The science and power of first impressions

    By Janine Jaramillo, Class of 2020. “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” – Will Rogers At some point in our lives, …

  2. Silent but deadly – farts explained

    By Sophia Giarrusso, Class of 2020.   I’ve been wracking my brains the past week trying to think of an interesting topic to write about. A …

  3. Susceptibilis: the land of complete susceptibility 

    Island in the middle of the ocean

    By Ekmini Ramanayaka Pathirannehelage, Class of 2020.   Imagine that in the middle of the Pacific Ocean there is an island called ‘Susceptibilis’. It has a …

  4. Lose weight by gaining fat – WTF???

    Measuring tape wrapped around a fork

    By Wayne Du, Class of 2020.   Before COVID19 hit Melbourne resulting in our countless number of lockdowns, I had so many good habits, including a …

  5. Feature Friday: Letter to a weather station

    What does good science writing look like? Most people will say that it’s clear, concise and accessible. It tells a story and makes the reader think, …

  6. Scientifically Discovering My Sexuality

    By Gen Tolhurst, 2019 Alumni Asexuality as a null hypothesis In our community people are often presumed to be straight, unless proven otherwise.  This felt uncomfortable …

  7. Feature Friday: Remember The Wild and the “Look at me!” podcast

    This Feature Friday we’re shining the spotlight in another of our former students, Chris McCormack. He took our Science Communication subjects as part of his Masters …

  8. Feature Friday: Bird Glamour

    This week’s Feature Friday is about a ichnologist with an itch for bird watching. Through her observations of birds, she was inspired to start portraying the …

  9. How to dive deeper than 2000 metres on one breath

    Diver under water

    By Tim Brown, Class of 2016 If a bag of money fell into the ocean, how deep would you dive for it? You don’t have SCUBA …

Number of posts found: 19