slightly manic and sleep deprived

I swear the pasta sauce I use must have caffeine in it or something. Every time I have it I just can’t sleep afterwards. Grr. So I fell asleep at 1 am yesterday night, having finished my reading at 11:30 and wanting an early night. And then I got up at 6:30 to make myself pasta for breakfast. And then I left the house at 7:30 for practice before class at 8, and then I went to my Composition Studies class at 9 am, my Trusts class at 11, and my Criminal Law class at 2.15. None of which had a break in the middle, except for the 1-2.15 slot between Trusts and Crim. I was supposed to have orchestra from 4.15 to 6.15, too, but thankfully I wasn’t rostered on for today (yay!)

So, I should tell you that this semester, I am taking:

  • Trusts
  • Criminal Law
  • Practical Study 3-2, clarinet
  • Composition Studies
  • Chamber Music
  • Orchestra

Which is a fairly playing-heavy subject load. I’m hypothetically meant to spend around 35 hours a week practicing clarinet plus about 7-8 hours composing with that. Of course, it’s actually closer to about 25 hours playing clarinet, which is what I was doing in first year, and the first half of second year before I got kind of lazy with it and started skipping practice days, because you can take care of chamber and prac with the same practice session and I’m a woodwind player so I’m only partially rostered for the season.

I also learned today that we are actually meant to spend 2 hours outside of class for every hour inside of class studying for law subjects. And that this has apparently been the case throughout my law degree. I’ve always thought they expected a 1:1 ratio. I would like to say that in retrospect, this 2:1 ratio seems pretty unnecessary. 1:1 is perfectly sufficient to get the reading done in time. I have never, ever done 2:1 for any subject, even the ones in which I finished and understood all the reading and got an H1 (actually, come to think of it, I’ve never actually done all the reading in any law subject I’ve gotten an H1 in, other than PPL in first year which barely set any reading anyway. I have four H1s, four subjects in which I’ve done all the reading, and two subjects where neither happened. No overlap between these categories. My best two subjects are Property where I did about 10% of the reading, and Legal Theory where I only read what I was going to put in my essay.) Don’t know if I want to try this 2:1 thing and see whether it drives me slowly insane or gives me better results and scholarly enlightenment and all.

Also, I have realised that it is easier to transport cereal than to transport lunch foods. And that I can save about $30 a week if I bring cereal to uni, instead of not-cooking a packed lunch because I don’t like soggy sandwiches or leaking curry/pasta/rice and then buying stuff instead. So from now on, I am reversing the order of breakfast and lunch. That is why I cooked myself pasta for breakfast.

Aaaaanyway. Need my sleep, toodles.

One thought on “slightly manic and sleep deprived

  1. ahhh… so that explains the pasta. For a while there, I thought you might be half-Italian or something.

    As for that 2:1 thing – we are expected to do that in my language class too. Not that I actually do it. However, in design studio classes, it could be closer to 4:1 (more or less), especially during the 2nd half of semester.

    oh, and you’re doing 6 subjects?!? that’s actually possible??

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