And then there was SALP

Still on holidays obviously.

There is one other thing that’s driving me mad at the moment apart from boredom, and that is – SALP. Yes, it’s the Uni’s Student Ambassador Leadership Program. Thing is, I have to do at least 40 hours of Community Service for a non-profit organisation (that’s on top of the 20 hours Uni Service). Easy enough, I registered for a volunteering gig more than half a year ago. It didn’t work out quite as well as I planned though, coz the organisation I applied for didn’t have any volunteering opportunities (apart from a Regional one, and oh, an admin/retail role in Melbourne) during the holidays. So now, I’m back to square one. I’ve been sending out emails to different organisations these last few weeks using email addresses that I got from the SALP database but alas, at least half of my emails bounced back. Damn unrealiable contacts.

Now that I think of it, it seems like I’ve done way more volunteering before I joined SALP. Because now that I’m in the program, I’ve been too caught up with counting the hours to actually enjoy volunteering. Okayy… maybe I’m just saying that because of the time pressure involved – according to my countdown app in my desktop I have exactly 72 days, 8 hours, 35 minutes before the April 30 deadline. Aarggghh..

Is there anyone out there who knows of community volunteering gig that would last for at least 40 hours??? Maybe not one of those ones that needs at least 6 months commitment – I’m a final year student after all. But apart from that, I probably won’t be that picky from now on.

2 thoughts on “And then there was SALP

  1. sure, why not volunteer at the World Vision headquarters in Glen Waverley? You’ll probably be packing cards and licking envelopes – but it means you can pop in for however many hours you want, whenever you want – with no 6mth commitment or anything like that.

  2. Thanks for the suggestion Nicola.
    I’m actually now volunteering for Conservation Volunteers Australia.
    I can pop in for however many hours I want – it’s good fun and good exercise too!

    Hope you’re doing well in Montreal 🙂

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