
  1. Better and better (Silvia)

    It’s been, what, two or three weeks since exams have finished and I finally had the courage to peek at my results. By peek, I mean squinting at the monitor as the results page loaded so everything appeared fuzzy just in case I got a very terrible score. It took about fifteen seconds for me […]


  2. Ups and downs (Silvia)

    I didn’t realise it but I’ve been on an up-and-down cycle all semester. It’s all the assignments– I indiscriminately leave them till the last minute whether they are worth 5%, 15% or 40%, or whether they are GREAT, BIG, IMPORTANT projects or itty bitty readings for the next tutorial. And by ‘last minute’ I mean […]


  3. 34 degrees Celcius (Silvia)

    Today’s quite hot. It’s baking, it’s windy and it’s suffocating. So I took the day off. Yup, I skipped. I only have two lectures anyway and they’re both recorded so I can go over my notes later. I was very satisfied with my bout of genius until a thought struck me– it takes ten minutes […]


  4. Timetabling is the bane of my life (Silvia)

    It’s the same every semester. Thousands of students hunker over their computers, laptops, phones and iPads to log into the university portal and register in their first choice of classes, because no-one wants clashes or large breaks. I am one of these thousands and I was super duper lucky to get into the portal without […]


  5. Writing… more! (Silvia)

    A few weeks ago, I came across an advertisement in Melbourne Uni’s careers website. I know I already have a job I love but sometimes there’s nothing to do at home so I start browsing random sites. The volunteering organisation which ran the ad is dedicated to planting indigenous plants and the job description was […]


  6. Done and dusted and shoved into the back of the cupboard (Silvia)

    And thus, second year has come to an end with my last exam being today. I walked into the Royal Exhibition Building feeling like my jumper was too warm for the weather and yet not warm enough to make me feel comfortable and ready to tackle an exam. I was nauseated because I left this, […]


  7. Busy busy (Silvia)

    There’s a week until my exams and I’ve finally started hardcore studying. By hardcore, I mean going to the library to borrow the textbooks and look through them for the first time. I know, textbooks are a resource I should have had the entire semester but they’re so expensive (and I only use them for […]


  8. Whoop-de-doo (Silvia)

    I’m sorry, what did  you say? It’s been two weeks of holidays already? And I have to go back to uni tomorrow? Oh fudge. Where did my sweet holiday time go? I had so many plans. I told myself I would revise the lectures I had trouble with, catch up on the lectures I’d missed […]


  9. Why so many choices? (Silvia)

    It has been far too long since my last post and for that, I sincerely apologise. I would grovel at your feet and offer excuses about university and work but since we’re quite a distance apart, it wouldn’t work well. So please accept this virtual grovel and forgive my laziness while I tell you why […]


  10. *Flashy music for a flashy entrance* (Silvia)

    After the tragedy of last semester’s results, I vowed to devote my mind, body and soul to my studies. I saw myself butt-superglued-to-chair with a pile of textbooks and notes in front of me. I saw myself scribbling away into the wee hours of the night and waking up at the crack of dawn to […]


Number of posts found: 22