
  1. Part 3: College!!! (William)

    Okay so most people think that being at uni is  boring and such which I guess is partly true for the people that live in the wonderful land of Melbourne and have to commute for hours on end each and every day….. Sucks to be them…. One of the most pleasant things I have found […]

  2. Part 2: The Learning (William)

    Second year, 4 subjects, all science WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!! Okay so here is what I thought of each subject, note others do not agree, its all about a matter of taste really đŸ˜€ Biochemistry and Molecular Biology – So with my rather rubbish marks in chemistry 1 & 2 from last year I thought […]

  3. Part 1: Where Does The Time Go?! (William)

    Okay……….. So I know I said on my first post that I would be keeping in touch as much as possible, well I guess that I found out that most people suck with commitments, it is totally hard to commit to anything (Study, Writing on a Blog, Promises and Driving through Red Lights, you know […]

  4. Hello Again, Friend Of A Friend (William)

    Salutations! Why hello there again…. you may or may not remember me from last year.. you know.. that guy that stopped writing after like two months. Yep so anyway that guy is dead. I killed him the other day and stole his body as like a human host. This new William is like William 2.0! […]