Hello Again, Friend Of A Friend (William)


Why hello there again…. you may or may not remember me from last year.. you know.. that guy that stopped writing after like two months. Yep so anyway that guy is dead. I killed him the other day and stole his body as like a human host. This new William is like William 2.0!

  • He will always go to all lectures and if he attends he will not use them as nap time.
  • Always study before ILTs instead of just googling every question.
  • Never walk into a prac after glancing at the actual prac whilst walking to the Redmond barry or Chem building and then just abusing his prac partner for the answers.
  • Never get bellow a H2 average, P’s may get degrees, they also get jobs at Maccas.
  • Always read textbooks instead of using them as expensive coasters for teapots.
  • keep drinking to a bear minimum, shopping carts are for groceries, not people.
  • Not use SWOT vac as 6 days of wearing post-its on his arms and run around like a bird and then the other day to learn the whole entire course.
  • Actually do stuff on the blog instead of getting bored with it… Many good things to write about UNI :

Okay so as you can probably figure out, I was not exactly the best student of blogger last year. It was very wrong and I am sorry supreme melbourne uni god (I assume that is what that logo is, you know that lady with the dress that appears to have super powers and the ability to fly… I wish I was that cool!). Anyway I had a few problems with first year which led to this bad William 1.0, I was from the country and staying at a college. Just getting used to this city was very difficult, and time consuming. All the people that I met at college were also very time consuming. I am at Whitley college up on royal parade (Just a few blocks up… not a train away as all the other colleges believe we are haha), it is the coolest doughnut shaped building ever! I recommend the college experience! It is the best thing that I have ever done. You meet the most interesting people ever, plus you live with them! you live by your own rules (you know stay up till 2am then eat a tub of icecream…. or drink a bottle of vodka… everyone to their own haha). But getting here on day 1 last year was the most daunting thing ever. 130 people that you know nothing about, not even their names, so you spend AGES! I repeat AGES getting to know them all! sure it is worth it… but do all those late nights suite uni… not really. As a second year at Whitley this year, I really can’t figure out how the freshers (we call the newbie first years this) go out every night then get up, go to uni and then do it all again. I remember this stamina from last year… It does not last long, So what did I put my priorities to? uni or new friends? I put it to friends…. not the greatest idea but I kind of think it was worth it a little. I missed most (I actually mean most, probably 80%) of my lectures, I went to prac’s hung over and feeling live vomiting all over my titration apparatus. Really not good. But oh well, the friends I have now are friends for life! Seriously best people ever! Anyway so I said this stamina has died…. I mean it… just last night I went to bed at 9.30…. 9.30! What is this… am I like 7 or something????!!!!!

So anyway to anyone reading this I recommend having fun… IN MODERATION!!!! My marks were woeful last year! I got:

Pathetic!!!!! SO BAD! My parents were so disappointed when I had to tell them what I got first semester so I tried a LITTLE harder second semester that paid off a little but I was so stressed out of my mind in SWOT vac… I stayed up for three days straight memorizing reptile classes, zones of the ocean, trans and cis molecules, Pascals triangle etc… I do not really recommend this… It worked a little but was it wort the pain and suffering and crying in the fetal position in the corner of my bed at 3am on day 3… no… please do not do this! seriously bad!

Anyway on a more positive note. This year has been rather swell so far! I love second year so much!!! 😀 One of the big problems I had first year with the subjects was I thought they were like soooo broad… Like in biology you do a little of everything and don’t really learn anything that cool because you simply don’t have the time. But this year one subject is like a tiny section of first year with soooo much depth! Like it is just so much more interesting, like I am so happy with my subject choices! which are:

all those little *** can turn into H1’s thank you very much haha! So far Microbiology is the best! Also I RECOMMEND EXPERIMENTAL MICROBIOLGY!!!!! It is the best ever! Best demonstrators and best co-ordinatiors ever! I love everything about it! It is such a shame it is getting cut next year :'( Can I file some claim to uni to try to have it saved because it is the most fun ever! Top highlight ever! 😀 LOVE IT!

So anyway about that H1 statement before, I now have some goals! I am going to get a H1 average… not try… I am going to! So far I have had two tests for microbiology and have got ~90% average (questions were a bit iffy as most ILT sort of things are). Much study has already been done. I have replaced the vodka for a soothing pot of melbourne breakfast tea (T2 is the best!), the bar has been replaced with my bed, the music and dancing has been replaced with doctor who soundtracks and a textbook or notebook. I actually feel that I am getting what is happening in lectures instead of throwing lecture notes when I look at them and have no idea what is going on. I feel that the prac reports I am writing are worthy of 9’s and stuff (although haven’t got one back yet so I can’t exactly say how that is going yet… hopefully GOD LIKE). But my aim is to get really good marks this year…. I got a 14/15 on a test today for microbiology and was NOT happy with it haha… High expectations much lol!

Anyway that is a fair bit of blabbering about what a goof I was last year. But this year I have good friends and a good mindset to achieve!

So what can you look forward to from me this year?

Well I now have the greatest zoom lens for my Nikon D3100 SLR camera! so lots of pictures around campus (Who is going to photo stalk Washington this Tuesday at north court??) you will get my insight into uni and see some of my favorite palces to chill…. I actually don’t like south lawn… I like different places with weird ways to get to them and relaxing atmospheres :D!

You are in for a treat this year….. That is if you can get past my rather lame jokes and personality 😀 I was told by my parents that I remind them of Daria…. But I don’t think you can pick up on that when I write… But trust me I am rather depressing to be around as my friends have said but they love me all the same :D!

Anyway happy goings and happy studying. You will soon learn my life in a few posts and I hope it helps you out of various holes or guides you in the right direction…

Cheerio for now



6 thoughts on “Hello Again, Friend Of A Friend (William)

  1. Hi again, Will! Missed your posts ALLLL last year ;D Good to know you’re still alive.

  2. Oh you are in for a treat this year… Soo much to complain about… like studying the same subject from 9am till 11pm and feeling like you really didnt get that much done haha 😀 can’t wait for us to spam this wall like no tomorrow 😀

  3. I believe we’re already off to a good start– four posts from in us total! Yay, we’re going to fill the wall up with our radiant awesomeness!

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