Category: Clubs and campus activities
Irish Update (Georgie)
I feel I have been a bit absent from the blog of late, so hi again! And I hope everyone is going well in exams/last assignments. I am still in Dublin, where it is getting colder by the day. I have friends and family back in Melbourne telling me how nice the weather is getting, […]
A Shameless (But Worthwhile) Plug: Justice v Peace (Suzanne)
Hello readers, All interested parties are cordially invited and encouraged to attend a public lecture on Wednesday 8 October. It is a very cool lecture on the role of international criminal law (that’s prosecuting war criminals, for the laypeople out there) in post-conflict societies, with an all-star cast including the VP of the Darfur Australia […]
A Dilemma (Georgie)
Suzanne, I’m feeling a bit guilty that we are dominating the blog. I do love reading your posts though. I’m really loving college and am excited to get into study and societies and am sort of wishing that I applied for a year long exchange instead of just a semester. When I applied I was […] -
Rowing (Georgie)
I joined the rowing club and started today. It was really great and there were lots of Irish students, rather than just internationals. I think I’m going to like it here. -
I’m not an excuse to procrastinate, I’m a real little post! (Suzanne)
^ In case you didn’t get it, that’s supposed to be a Pinocchio reference. Anyway. Since this is my second night in a row procrastinating instead of doing something productive, I figured you deserved a real post rather than snarky comments on my YouTube misadventures. So here is what is going on in my life […] -
Music and Angels (Suzanne)
It’s secret angel week at college! This means you get a designated ‘mortal’, for whom you do nice angelic things, like leaving them chocolate or writing them a poem, for a week, all anonymously. At the end of the week you can reveal your secret identity if you so choose. So I went to a […]
Open day!! (Kripa)
Let me tell you, this is the first time I have done some real type of volunteering here as an Open Day guide. I did go for blood donation once but that didn’t do very well…. Nice and early at 8:30 am, I was stationed at the busiest booth: Gate 4, Swanston Street. But I […] -
40 Hour Famine, Open Day must-sees (Suzanne)
I am so, so, hungry right now, because I’m about 29 hours into the World Vision 40 Hour Famine, and I forgot to stuff myself during the meal immediately before my fast. Oh well. So far I’ve raised $62.60, and I’m aiming for about $120, which will feed eight kids in India and keep them […]
Practice, seedy back alleys, clarinet shopping, and a rather good week (Suzanne)
Hello all. I figured you all deserve an update on my oh-so-fascinating life, which I’m sure you all follow religiously and voyeuristically, so here we go: right now, I am supposed to be practicing (surprise, surprise?) because I decided to trial a new practice regime that involves doing four hours of practice every day – […] -
So I finally finished SALP (Suzanne)
Better late than never! Two months late isn’t too bad, is it?
Number of posts found: 75