Category: Clubs and campus activities

  1. Sir, there’s a fly in my Farrago (David)

    I love the Farrago. It brightens my day when I realise the stands are stocked with a new edition. I love the layout and content of the publication. I love the varied topics, some quirky, some humourous, some informative and some satirical. For me, it reminds me that I am actually a uni student; and […]

  2. Ai-yah… (Suzanne)

    So, I ended up being re-elected as Secretary of the Music Students’ Society. Even though I made a resolution to quit so I’d have more time and less stress. Whoops. As my mother would say, ‘Suzanne, you’re a good student, but once I get to know you you’re actually kind of stupid.’ Also, I thought […]

  3. SALP, free tickets (Suzanne)

    By popular request, an FAQ about SALP! Here goes: What the heck is SALP? SALP stands for the Student Ambassador Leadership Program. It’s basically a program where the university takes students, gives them training, gets them to do community service, and declares them leaders afterwards. Who’s it for? Second year students and above. So, um, […]

  4. Teensy life update (Suzanne)

    So, I had a bit of a stress-and-bad-practice-related mental breakdown in the middle of the corridor yesterday, and I really, really appreciate my lovely and wonderful college friends for providing hugs and support, as well as for knocking some common sense into me. See, freshers, you do end up making friends who care. 🙂 Anyway. […]

  5. “There’s a sucker born every minute.” (Suzanne)

    Sometimes I wish I just did law. Or just music. That would make life much easier, the former more so than the latter. Then I wouldn’t have to shunt back and forth between the two all the time. It probably wouldn’t really be much less in terms of raw work. But it would really help […]

  6. Well, that totally makes my day. (Suzanne)

    Hi guys! I’ve been ridiculously busy this week, with a pretty big backlog of to-dos, so I really shouldn’t be blogging, but I’d just like to make an announcement: I got appointed as a general member to the editorial board of the Melbourne Journal of International Law yesterday (decided, on reflection, not to apply to […]

  7. Hi, it’s me. Again. (Suzanne)

    Hello everyone. We, the first year bloggers of 2007, have now officially become the second year bloggers of 2008. So, I thought I’d reintroduce myself to those who follow the latter blog but not the former: Name: Suzanne Studying: Music/Law From: Officially enrolled as an Australian citizen born in Sydney, but I’ve lived in Hong […]

  8. Speed

    Speeding Police. Braking hard on my bike. Blog catch up. No more Swing classes. :(

  9. Elephants

    That’s right, I couldn’t help myself getting involved in the elephant spam saga. I had fun watching it evolved, people getting annoyed with each other, and then suddenly dying off. No IT access for me for one week. Luckily that doesn’t prevent me from the student union computing centre. Admitably the punishment would affect different […]

  10. Prob

    Probability went better than I thought it would. I think I’d have a mean of 72 and a standard deviation of 5 on a normal distribution, approximately that is. (Using the central limit theorem on a binomial distribution. Dammit, I didn’t know how to prove the central limit theorem!) Also couldn’t find my friend Y […]

Number of posts found: 75