Category: News

  1. The Tale of the Vacuum Cleaner, the Scorpion and the Scared Second Year (Aimee)

    9 am. I’m seated in the MSD, watching my new lecturer have an argument with the projector. (Bet you anything, she’s a PC user!) To be utterly and completely honest… I’m sweating like a pig in a sauna!! It may seem small, insignificant, a trifle… but the truth is, this moment is big, epoch-making, a […]

  2. First_Year@UniMelb wants you!

    First_Year@UniMelb is a blog by & for first year students. We’d love you to contribute to the First_Year@UniMelb blog in 2017. Do you like to write? Do you want to help current & future students understand what uni is all about? Do you want to be part of an online community, sharing advice (and getting advice) about […]

  3. Done… in more ways than one! (Bella’s last post)

    Hello readers! Not only am I done with second year, but this will be my last post on Back for Seconds. Thank you so much for keeping up with my uni adventures this past year; and a special thank you to those who have been reading since I began writing on the first year blog! […]

  4. So Long, Farewell

    Last week, brings an end to my second year journey, and also this lovely blog community, ‘Back For Seconds’. It has been a crazy year indeed, but it was so worth it. If I can summarise my second year life, it was a rollercoaster, yet again, both emotional, and physically. I can strongly remember how […]

  5. The End is Thy Near

    No time, no see readers! I have been super duper busy lately. Mainly, the workload has been off the charts after the sixth week of semester two. It has been crazy. Today, all of my assessments are FINISHED. DONE! I’m really happy. Now, I just need to focus on my recital exam, which is coming up next week. […]

  6. Busy Bee (Bella)

    Hi readers! Sorry for the long time, and no see (or, should I say, read)! I’ve been really busy with my internship and classes, and am excited to share with you all what I’ve been up to. This semester, I’m taking my two required Psychology subjects, Cognitive Psychology and Personality and Social Psychology. We got […]

  7. Where Did All The Time Go?

    Tomorrow will be the beginning of week 8, and it seems like time has gone fast like always every semester. I like it when time goes by fast, but at the same time it is a bit of a worrying when exams will be coming up the next. There are a few things that I […]

  8. Taking A Breather

    Sometimes, taking a sleep in is the best idea for a short break. During the past six weeks, it has been very hectic. I was a part of open day, auditioned for AYO (Australian Youth Orchestra), performed in two gigs  in MYS (Melbourne Youth Strings) and PGYO (Percy Grainger Youth Orchestra), auditioned for piano duo […]

  9. Open Day! (Bella)

    I still remember my visit to The University of Melbourne Open Day in 2014 – a year 12 student very excited at the prospect of attending such a prestigious university, with a welcoming vibe and so many subjects to take I was interested in. I was actually really hoping I would get in, as instead of sampling […]

  10. Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (Turn and Face the Strange)

    Week 1 finished, and boy to be honest, I cannot wait until this week is gone. From what I can tell, changes has occurred once again. New timetable, longer practise hours, new schedule, new work hours, new everything. The one thing I’m most happy, and are most super welcoming that doesn’t change is the people around […]

Number of posts found: 565