Category: Study

  1. Done! And all alone now… (Suzanne)

    I finished my last exam today. It was pretty bad because I never even started the 4th essay although I’m pretty sure I nailed the other three so it should still be a pass. Maybe even an H2B with a lot of luck. Anyway, as I was walking out of the Royal Exhibition Building, I […]

  2. ANAM, AIMP, and UNIMELB (Suzanne)

    For those of you who have been following the debacle that is the closure of the Australian National Academy of Music, the below reproduced email is the latest chapter in the saga. You can read the response by Brett Dean, the director of the Academy, here. Dear Colleagues, Today, on behalf of the University, I […]

  3. Irish Update (Georgie)

    I feel I have been a bit absent from the blog of late, so hi again! And I hope everyone is going well in exams/last assignments. I am still in Dublin, where it is getting colder by the day. I have friends and family back in Melbourne telling me how nice the weather is getting, […]

  4. My Shiny New Chocolate Frog (Suzanne)

    Remember how at the start of the semester I told you about my Contracts lecturer who gives out chocolate frogs for good contributions in class discussions, and then gets the students with the highest frog-counts to battle it out in a quiz competition for a really big frog at the end of semester? Well, in […]

  5. I’m kind of screwed, but it’ll turn out OK. (Suzanne)

    Hello, all. Before I get on with the ‘real’ part of this post, a plug: my friend Mimi is organising a benefit concert for the Sudanese refugee community. The event is MSS-supported, so I feel like I should abuse the captive audience I have here to promote it. The details are: Event: Music For Life: […]

  6. I hate re-enrolment (Suzanne)

    EDIT: Never mind; apparently, because I do such an obscure degree, there is no fixed course plan and I’m allowed to take whatever subjects I want 🙂 ORIGINAL POST: Well. There goes my wonderfully constructed 6-year plan. Apparently Impressionism to Postmodernism is not being offered next year. Impressionism to Postmodernism is a compulsory music history […]

  7. I’m not an excuse to procrastinate, I’m a real little post! (Suzanne)

    ^ In case you didn’t get it, that’s supposed to be a Pinocchio reference. Anyway. Since this is my second night in a row procrastinating instead of doing something productive, I figured you deserved a real post rather than snarky comments on my YouTube misadventures. So here is what is going on in my life […]

  8. Practice, seedy back alleys, clarinet shopping, and a rather good week (Suzanne)

    Hello all. I figured you all deserve an update on my oh-so-fascinating life, which I’m sure you all follow religiously and voyeuristically, so here we go: right now, I am supposed to be practicing (surprise, surprise?) because I decided to trial a new practice regime that involves doing four hours of practice every day – […]

  9. Anyone who doesn’t like group work? (Kripa)

    If there’s atleast one yes, I would be quite reassured. I know that group work is supposed to improve your teamwork and organisational skills but I do NOT like it when: 1. Other members in your group have no idea what the topic is and how to go about researching it. Often, we get blank […]

  10. Can’t wait! (Kripa)

    It’s weird; I have never felt this happy to get back to uni. I find that these holidays went quite slow, so yes, I’m looking forward to getting back to busy uni. And, by the way, did anyone watch ‘The Dark Knight’? I watched it yesterday at IMAX. It was brilliant, both the film as […]

Number of posts found: 130