
Since its founding in 1962 by Max Charlesworth and Graeme De Graaff in the then Department of Philosophy at the University of Melbourne, Sophia has provided a forum for discussions in philosophy and religion, focusing on the interstices between metaphysics and critical theological thinking. The discussions encompass the wider ambience of the sciences (‘natural’ philosophy and human/social sciences), ethical and moral concerns in the public sphere, critical feminist theology, and cross-cultural perspectives.

Sophia’s cross-cultural and cross-frontier approach is reflected not only in the international composition of its editorial board, but also in its consideration of analytic, continental, Asian, and indigenous responses to issues and developments in all branches of philosophy more widely and philosophies of religion more specifically. Papers and review notes on any aspect of Philosophy are welcomed. Sophia is recognised by the American Philosophical Association as a leading publication encouraging diversification within Philosophy.

Sophia is a peer-reviewed journal published by Springer in association with the Society for Philosophy & Theology Inc. with the support of SHAPS.

Editors-in-Chief are Purushottama Bilimoria and Patrick Hutchings from SHAPS, along with Saranindranath Tagore (National University of Singapore).

Editorial Manager is Sherah Bloor, Graduate at Harvard University (formerly SHAPS).

Book Reviews Editor: Dr Peter Yih Jing Wong.

For enquires, including submissions, contact Peter Yih Jing Wong: Sophia office, Room 402 Arts West, West Wing, +61 3 9035 3149 or via email.

All issues from Volume 1.1. are available through Springer.

For further details and information about submitting articles and reviews, please visit our website. You can find us on Facebook for the latest issues, ToCs and other news: