
Benjamin J. Henley

Short bio

Dr Henley is a Lecturer at the University of Melbourne. His research focuses on understanding climate variability and climate change and their impacts in the Southern Hemisphere, using multi-proxy palaeoclimate records, observations and climate model simulations. He is an Honorary Fellow at the University of Wollongong, Domain Editor at WIREs Climate Change, Associate Investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes and a consultant in hydrology and climate. Dr Henley engages with schools, businesses, local councils, state government organisations and community groups to build understanding of climate change. He is a contributing author of the IPCC’s sixth assessment report (AR6), recipient of Engineers Australia’s G.N. Alexander award (2016), an AIPS Young Tall Poppy Award (2020), and the SAFES Award for Excellence (2024). He was the instigator of the Victorian Drought Risk Inference Project (VicDRIP), originator of the Tripole Index (TPI) for the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, and Chief Investigator of the Australian Research Council’s (ARC) $36M Special Research Initiative in Excellence in Antarctic Science (SRIEAS), ‘Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future’ (SAEF).

Public Communication

Dr Henley contributes to public discussions of climate, environmental and water issues in Australia and globally.


Extended bio

Dr Henley is a Lecturer in the School of Agriculture, Forestry and Ecosystem Sciences (SAFES) at the University of Melbourne. He is an Honorary Fellow in the School of Earth, Atmospheric and Life Sciences at the University of Wollongong at the ARC’s SRIEAS ‘Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future’ (SAEF). He is a member of the international coordination team for the fourth phase of the PAGES 2k initiative. He is an Associate Investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, consultant to government and industry. Dr Henley engages with business, schools, local councils, state government organisations and community groups to build understanding of climate change. Dr Henley received his PhD in hydrology and climate variability in 2012 and since then he has worked in both academia and industry investigating climate variability and hydro-climate variability. He has assessed water resource system performance and has undertaken hydrological modelling underpinning major water planning decisions. Dr Henley has lectured in Palaeoclimatology, Future Climates and Climate Change Energy and Human Security, and coordinated The Masters of Environment and Sustainability at Monash University. His research includes advances in the areas of: decadal climate variability, the El Niño Southern Oscillation, Southern Hemisphere climate variability and impacts, the climate of the past 2000 years, evaluation of climate models, dendroclimatology, hydrological modelling, and the context and impacts of anthropogenic climate change. He is a contributing author of the IPCC’s sixth assessment report (AR6), recipient of Engineers Australia’s G.N. Alexander award (2016), an AIPS Young Tall Poppy Award (2020), and the SAFES Award for Excellence (2024).


Please email for access to pdfs of these papers.

Journal Articles

  1. Freund, M. B., Brown, J. R., Marshall, A. G., Tozer, C. R., Henley, B. J., Risbey, J. S., Ramesh, N., Lieber, R. & Sharmila, S. (2024). Interannual ENSO diversity, transitions, and projected changes in observations and climate models, Environmental Research Letters, 19(11), 114005.
  2. Henley, B. J., McGregor, H. V., King, A. D., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Arzey, A. K., Karoly, D. J., Lough, J. M., DeCarlo, T. M. & Linsley, B. K. (2024). Highest ocean heat in four centuries places Great Barrier Reef in danger, Nature, 632(8024), 320-326.
  3. Macha, J. M. A., Mackintosh, A. N., McCormack, F. S., Henley, B. J., McGregor. H. V., van Dalum, C. T., Purich, A. (2024). Distinct Central and Eastern Pacific El Niño influence on Antarctic Surface Mass Balance, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL109423.
  4. Mondol, M. A. H., Zhu, X., Dunkerley, D., & Henley, B. J. (2024). Living with technological drought: experience of smallholding farmers of Bangladesh. Environmental Development, 100985.
  5. Falster, G. M., Wright, N. M., Abram, N. J., Ukkola, A. M., & Henley, B. J. (2024). Potential for historically unprecedented Australian droughts from natural variability and climate changeHydrology and Earth System Sciences28(6), 1383-1401.
  6. Heidemann, H., Cowan, T., Power, S. B., & Henley, B. J. (2023). Statistical relationships between the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation and El Niño–Southern OscillationClimate Dynamics, 1-17.
  7. Fan, X., Peterson, T. J., Henley, B. J., & Arora, M. (2023). Groundwater sensitivity to climate variations across Australia. Water Resources Research59(11), e2023WR035036.
  8. Grose, M. R., Narsey, S., Trancoso, R., Mackallah, C., Delage, F., Dowdy, A., di Virgilio, G., Watterson, I., Dobrohotoff, P., Rashid, H. A., Rauniyar, S., Henley, B. J., Thatcher, M., Syktus, J., Abramowitz, G., Evans, J. P., Su, C.-H., & Takbash, A. (2023). A CMIP6-based multi-model downscaling ensemble to underpin climate change services in Australia. Climate Services, 30, 100368.
  9. Heidemann, H., Cowan, T., Henley, B. J., Ribbe, J., Freund, M., Power, S. (2023). Variability and long-term change in Australian monsoon rainfall – A review, WIREs Climate Change,
  10. O’Connor, J. A., Henley, B. J., Brookhouse, M. T., and Allen, K. J. (2022). Ring-width and blue-light chronologies of Podocarpus lawrencei from southeastern mainland Australia reveal a regional climate signal, Climate of the Past18(12), 2567-2581.
  11. Mondol, M. A. H., Zhu, X., Dunkerley, D., & Henley, B. J. (2022). Changing occurrence of crop water surplus or deficit and the impact of irrigation: An analysis highlighting consequences for rice production in Bangladesh. Agricultural Water Management, 269, 107695,
  12. Mondol, M. A. H., Zhu, X., Dunkerley, D., & Henley, B. J. (2022). Technological drought: a new category of water scarcityJournal of Environmental Management321, 115917,
  13. Heidemann, H., Ribbe, J., Cowan, T., Henley, B. J., Pudmenzky, C., Stone, R., & Cobon, D. H. (2022). The influence of interannual and decadal Indo-Pacific sea surface temperature variability on Australian monsoon rainfall. Journal of Climate 35(1), 425-444,
  14. Power, S., Lengaigne, M., Capotondi, A., Khodri, M., Vialard, J., Jebri, B., … & Henley, B. J. (2021). Decadal climate variability in the tropical Pacific: Characteristics, causes, predictability, and prospects. Science, 374(6563),
  15. Mondol, M. A. H., Zhu, X., Dunkerley, D., & Henley, B. J. (2021). Observed meteorological drought trends in Bangladesh identified with the Effective Drought Index (EDI). Agricultural Water Management, 255, 107001,
  16. Abram, N. J., Henley, B. J., Gupta, A. S., Lippmann, T. J., Clarke, H., Dowdy, A. J., … & Boer, M. M. (2021). Connections of climate change and variability to large and extreme forest fires in southeast Australia. Communications Earth & Environment2(1), 1-17,
  17. Freund, M. B., Brown, J. R., Henley, B. J., Karoly, D. J., & Brown, J. N. (2020). Warming patterns affect El Niño diversity in CMIP5 and CMIP6 models. Journal of Climate.
  18. King, A. D., Pitman, A. J., Henley, B. J., Ukkola, A. M. & Brown, J. R. (2020). The role of climate variability in Australian drought, Nat. Clim. Chang. (comment),
  19. King, A. D., Lane, T. P., Henley, B. J., & Brown, J. R. (2019). Global and regional impacts differ between transient and equilibrium warmer worlds. Nat. Clim. Chang. 10, 42–47
  20. Henley, B. J., Peel, M., Nathan, R., King, A. D., Ukkola, A. M., Karoly, D., & Tan, K. S. (2019). Amplification of risks to water supply at 1.5°C and 2°C in drying climates: a case study for Melbourne, Australia. Environmental Research Letters14(8), 084028. (Open Access)
  21. Berghout, B., Henley, B. J., & Kuczera, G. (2019). Response to discussion on ‘impact of hydroclimate parameter uncertainty on system yield’ by R. French and M. Jones. Australasian Journal of Water Resources23(2), 158-161.
  22. Neukom R., Barboza L. A., Erb M. P., Shi F., Emile-Geay J., Evans M. N., Franke J., Kaufman D. S., Lücke L., Rehfeld K., Schurer A., Zhu F., Brönnimann S., Hakim G. J., Henley B. J., Ljungqvist F. C. and Von Gunten L. (2019). Consistent multi-decadal variability in global temperature reconstructions and simulations over the Common Era. Nature Geoscience. 12, 643–649. doi: 10.1038/s41561-019-0400-0
  23. Freund, M.B., B. J. Henley, D. J. Karoly, H. V. McGregor, N. J. Abram, D. Dommenget, (2019). Higher frequency of Central Pacific El Niño events in recent decades relative to past centuries, Nature Geoscience12(6), 450-455.
  24. King, A. D., M. G. Donat, S. C. Lewis, B. J. Henley, D. M. Mitchell, P. A. Stott, E. M. Fischer & D. J. Karoly, (2018). Reduced Heat Exposure by Limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C, Nature Climate. Change, 8(7), 1–3.
  25. Berghout, B., Henley, B. J. & Kuczera, G., (2017). Impact of Climate Data Uncertainty on Estimated System Yield, Australasian Journal of Water Resources,
  26. Henley B. J. (2017). Pacific decadal climate variability: indices, patterns and tropical-extratropical interactions, invited review in Global and Planetary Change, 155, pp. 42-55.
  27. Pages2k consortium, incl. Henley B. J. (2017). A global multiproxy database for temperature reconstructions of the Common Era. Scientific Data, 4.
  28. King, A. D., Karoly, D. J. and Henley, B. J. (2017). Australian climate extremes at 1.5 and 2 degrees of global warmingNature Clim. Change, pp. 1–7.
  29. Henley B. J. & King, A. D. (2017). Trajectories towards the 1.5°C Paris target: modulation by the Interdecadal Pacific OscillationGeophys. Res. Lett., pp. 1–7. Meltwater media report here.
  30. Henley, B. J., Meehl, G., Power, S., Folland, C., King, A., Brown, J. & Neukom, R. (2017). Spatial and temporal agreement in climate model simulations of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation. Environmental Research Letters,
  31. Freund, M., Henley, B. J., Karoly, D. J., Allen, K. J. and Baker, P. J. (2017). Multi-century cool-and warm-season rainfall reconstructions for Australia’s major climatic regionsClimate of the Past13(12), 1751.
  32. Hope, P., Henley, B. J., Gergis, J., Brown, J., & Ye, H. (2017). Time-varying spectral characteristics of ENSO over the Last Millennium. Climate Dynamics, pp. 1–23.
  33. Gergis, J. & Henley, B. J. (2016). Southern Hemisphere rainfall variability over the past 200 yearsClimate Dynamics, pp. 1–19.
  34. Brown, J. R., Hope, P., Gergis, J. & Henley, B. J. (2016). ENSO teleconnections with Australian rainfall in coupled model simulations of the last millenniumClimate Dynamics, pp. 1–15.
  35. Mortazavi-Naeini, M., Kuczera, G., Kiem, A.S., Cui, L., Henley, B. J., Berghout, B. & Turner, E., (2015). Robust optimization to secure urban bulk water supply against extreme drought and uncertain climate changeEnvironmental Modelling and Software, vol. 69, pp. 437–451.
  36. Henley, B. J., Gergis, J., Karoly, D. J., Power, S. B., Kennedy, J. & Folland, C.K., (2015). A Tripole Index for the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation. Climate Dynamics, 1–14.
  37. Turner, B. D., Henley, B. J., Sleap, S. B. & Sloan, S. W.(2014). Kinetic model selection and the Hill model in geochemistry. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. Sept, 1–14
  38. Henley, B. J., M. A. Thyer, and G. Kuczera (2013). Climate driver informed short-term drought risk evaluationWater Resour. Res., 49, 2317–2326,
  39. Henley, B. J., M.A. Thyer, G. Kuczera, & S.W. Franks (2011). Climate-informed stochastic hydrological modeling: Incorporating decadal-scale variability using paleo dataWater Resour. Res., 47, W11509,

Peer-Reviewed Reports

  1. Chown, S. L., Leihy, R. I., Naish, T. R., Brooks, C. M., Convey, P., Henley, B. J., Mackintosh, A. N., Phillips, L. M., Kennicutt, M. C. II & Grant, S. M. (2022). Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment: A Decadal Synopsis and Recommendations for Action. Report for the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers

  1. Berghout, B., Henley, B. J. & Kuczera, G., (2015) ‘Impact of Climate Data Uncertainty on Estimated System Yield’, 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, December 2015 [Awarded the G.N. Alexander Medal by Engineers Australia]
  2. Henley, B. J., M. A. Thyer, G. Kuczera, and S.W. Franks (2009), How long do phases of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) persist? Utilising palaeoclimate data in stochastic hydrology, 32nd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium
  3. Henley, B. J., M. A. Thyer, G. Kuczera, and S. Franks (2008), Evaluating drought risk dynamics: Comparison of a Climate-Informed Multi-time Scale Stochastic (CIMSS) framework to the AR(1) model, Water Down Under: 31st Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and 4th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, Adelaide
  4. Henley, B. J., M. A. Thyer and G. Kuczera (2007), Seasonal Stochastic Rainfall Modelling Using Climate Indices: A Bayesian Hierarchical Model, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Christchurch
  5. Henley, B. J., M. A. Thyer, G. Kuczera and S. Franks (2006), Incorporating Long-Term Climate Information into Stochastic Models of Annual Hydrological Data: A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach, 30th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Launceston

Book Chapters

  1. Abram, N., & Henley, B. J. (2017) FactCheck Q&A: was it four degrees hotter 110,000 years ago? In: Watson, J. (Ed.) and contributors, 50 standout articles from Australia’s top thinkers, The Conversation Yearbook 2017, Melbourne University Publishing.
  2. Baines, P. G. & Henley, B. J. (2015), ‘The effect of global dynamical factors on the interannual variability of land-based rainfall’, Chapter in J Li, R Swinbank, H Volkert, & R Grotjahn (eds), Dynamics and Predictability of Large-Scale High Impact Weather and Climate Events, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
  3. Mortazavi-Naeini, M., Kuczera, G., Kiem, A. S., Cui, L., Henley, B. J., Berghout, B. and Turner, E. (2014) Robust optimisation of urban drought security for an uncertain climate, in Applied Studies in Climate Adaptation (eds J. P. Palutikof, S. L. Boulter, J. Barnett and D. Rissik), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK.

Other Full-length Conference Papers

Henley, B. J., M. A. Thyer, G. Kuczera, and S.W. Franks (2008), Short-Term Drought Risk Dynamics: The Impact of Multi-decadal Climate Variability and Water Supply Properties, World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Honolulu, USA

Comment and Analysis

  1. Henley, B. J., McGregor, H. V., Hoegh-Guldberg, O.,‘Wake-up call to humanity’: research shows the Great Barrier Reef is the hottest it’s been in 400 years The Conversation (8 August 2024)
  2. Robbie, J., Henley, B. J., Kosovac, A. (2020) Water management worldwide is failing, it’s time for a new approach Pursuit (12 August 2020)
  3. King, A. D., Pitman, A. J., Henley, B. J., Ukkola, A. M., Brown, J. R. (2020) Why drought-busting rain depends on the tropical oceans The Conversation (25 February 2020)
  4. Abram, N., T. Lippmann, J. Sharples, H. Clarke, A. Sen Gupta, K. Meissner, M. Boer, B. J. Henley et al. (2020): There is no strong, resilient Australia without deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions Open Letter (3 Feb 2020)
  5. Henley, B. J., King, A., Ukkola, A., Peel, M., Nathan, R., Wang, Q. J. (2019) The science of drought is complex but the message on climate change is clear The Conversation (31 October 2019)
  6. Henley, B. J., Peel, M., Nathan, R., King, A., Ukkola, A. (2019) 2℃ of global warming would put pressure on Melbourne’s water supply The Conversation (2 August 2019)
  7. Henley, B. J. (2019) 2,000 years of records show it’s getting hotter, faster The Conversation (25 July 2019)
  8. Henley, B. J. and Neukom, R. (2019) Climate is warming faster now than last 2000 years Pursuit (25 July 2019)
    King, A. D., Henley, B. J. (2018) It’s a savage summer in the Northern Hemisphere – and climate change is slashing the odds of more heatwaves The Conversation (8 August 2018)
  9. King, A. D., Henley, B. J., Ukkola, A. (2018) Is Australia’s current drought caused by climate change? It’s complicated The Conversation (8 June 2018)
  10. Freund, M., Henley, B. J., Allen, K., Baker, P. (2018) Recent Australian droughts may be the worst in 800 years The Conversation (2 May 2018)
  11. Henley, B. J. & Abram, N. (2017) The three-minute story of 800,000 years of climate change with a sting in the tail The Conversation (13 June 2017)
  12. King, A. D., Henley, B. J., Hawkins, E. (2017) What is a pre-industrial climate and why does it matter? The Conversation (8 June 2017)
  13. King, A. D., Karoly, D. J. & Henley, B. J. (2017) Why 2℃ of global warming is much worse for Australia than 1.5℃ The Conversation (16 May 2017)
  14. King, A. D., Karoly, D. J. & Henley, B. J. (2017) Heating up: How rises in global temperature could damage the reef Pursuit (16 May 2017)
  15. Henley, B. J. & King, A. D. (2017) Comment on “Reports of breaching 1.5°C warming soon are exaggerated” by Bill Hare, Michiel Schaeffer, Carl-Friedrich Schleussner and Niklas Roming (10 May 2017) (12 May 2017)
  16. Henley, B. J. & King, A. D. (2017) Global warming could accelerate towards 1.5℃ if the Pacific gets cranky The Conversation (9 May 2017)
  17. Abram, N., & Henley, B. J. (2017) FactCheck Q&A: was it four degrees hotter 110,000 years ago? The Conversation (20 February 2017)
  18. Henley, B. J. et al (2017) Meet El Niño’s cranky uncle that could send global warming into hyperdrive. The Conversation (6 February 2017)
  19. King, A. D. & Henley, B. J.  (2016) September brought the world’s record-breaking hot streak to an end – but don’t chill out. The Conversation (21 October 2016)
  20. King, A. D. & Henley, B. J. (2016) We have almost certainly blown the 1.5-degree global warming target. The Conversation (15 August 2016)


Dr Benjamin J. Henley

Lecturer | Waterway Ecosystem Research Group
School of Agriculture, Food & Ecosystem Sciences, University of Melbourne
Honorary Fellow | University of Wollongong, Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future
Associate Investigator | Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes


Tw: @benhenley

GS: Google scholar profile


  1. Dr Mandy Freund (Graduated, PhD)
  2. Dr Xinyang Fan (Graduated, PhD)
  3. Dr Md. Anarul Haque Mondol (Graduated, PhD)
  4. Dr Hanna Heidemann (Graduated, PhD)
  5. Jessica Macha (PhD candidate)
  6. Natasha Ballis (PhD candidate)
  7. Jacinda O’Connor (Graduated, Honours)
  8. Jarrad Fischer (Graduated,Honours)


  1. Science and Technology Internships: Subject Co-Coordinator (2024–2025), University of Melbourne
  2. Professional Practice for Agriculture: Tutor (2024), University of Melbourne
  3. Earth’s Interconnected Spheres: Subject Coordinator, Chief Examiner, Lecturer (2022), enrollment: 209, University of Wollongong.
  4. Master of Environment and Sustainability (MES): Course Coordinator (2022), Monash University.
  5. Climate Change Energy and Human Security (Masters unit): Subject coordinator, Chief Examiner, Lecturer (2021), Monash University.
  6. Future Climates: Projections, impacts and adaptation: Subject co-development, Lecturer (2019–2021), Monash University.
  7. Earth, Atmosphere and Environment 2: Lecturer, Practical development (2020–2021), Monash University.
  8. Palaeoclimatology: Course development, Course coordinator, Chief Examiner and Lecturer (2018–2020), and Lecturer (2021) Monash University.
  9. Blue Planet – Intro to Marine Environments: Lecturer (2017), University of Melbourne.
  10. Climate Affairs: Lecturer (2015–2017) University of Melbourne.
  11. Blue Planet – Intro to Marine Environments: Lecturer (2016–2017), University of Melbourne.
  12. Climate Change 3: Workshop leader, Demonstrator (2014), University of Melbourne.


PhD Thesis

Henley, B. J. (2012), Climate-Informed Stochastic Hydrological Modelling, PhD thesis, The University of Newcastle, Australia


University of Melbourne SAFES Staff Award for Excellence (2024)

University of Wollongong, Environmental Futures, Paper of the Month Award (2024)

Commendation – Dean’s Excellence in Teaching Award, Faculty of Science, Monash University (2021)

Victorian Young Tall Poppy for Excellence in Science and Communication (2020)

G.N. Alexander Medal, Engineers Australia (2017)

Selected Presentations

Henley, B. J. (2024), How can reconstructions of the past provide context for future threats? Highest ocean heat in four centuries places Great Barrier Reef in danger, seminar for: Melbourne Water, 28 Oct 2024 (oral presentation).

Henley, B. J. (2024), How can reconstructions of the past provide context for future threats? Highest ocean heat in four centuries places Great Barrier Reef in danger, seminar for: School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences Research Day, University of Melbourne, 25 Oct 2024 (oral presentation).

Henley, B. J. (2024), Highest ocean heat in four centuries places Great Barrier Reef in danger: The science and the journey, seminar for: SAEF Huddle (all researchers), 01 Oct 2024 (oral presentation).

Henley, B. J. (2024), Highest ocean heat in four centuries places Great Barrier Reef in danger: The science and the journey, seminar for: SAEF Program Executive Committee, 13 Aug 2024 (oral presentation).

Henley, B. J. (2024), Recent Coral Sea and Great Barrier Reef surface temperatures in a multi-century context, seminar for: Waterway Ecosystem Research Group, University of Melbourne, 11 Apr 2024 (oral presentation).

Henley, B. J. (2024), Reconstructions and model simulations of regional sea surface temperatures place recent Great Barrier Reef temperatures into a multi-century context, AMOS 2024 (Canberra) 9 Feb 2024 (oral presentation).

Henley, B. J. (2023), Climate science for Hydrology, HWRS 2023, 15 Nov 2023 (panel chairing and facilitation).

Henley, B. J. (2022), A spatial sea-ice reconstruction in the Ross and Amundsen Seas from 1900–2000, AMOS 2022, 28 Nov–1 Dec 2022 (oral presentation).

Henley, B. J. (2022), How climate models, palaeoclimate records and observations contribute to a safe environmental future for Antarctica, SAEF Seminar Series – Antarctic Futures Q&A Session, University of Wollongong, 12 Oct 2022 (invited, public panel discussion)

Henley, B. J. (2022), Announcing Phase 4 of PAGES 2k: the hydroclimate of the Common Era, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 22–27 May 2022 (contribution to and lead author of group abstract for accepted oral presentation).

Henley, B. J. (2022), How I came to think we could do science differently, Victorian Universities Earth and Environmental Sciences Conference (VEESC), Monash University, 22 Apr 2022 (invited talk).

Henley, B. J. (2022), Climate Change: The Big Picture, Green Music Australia, (Online), A presentation to leaders in the Victorian music industry about climate change, 22 Feb 2022 (invited talk).

Henley, B. J. (2022), New coral-based reconstructions of regional sea surface temperatures place recent Great Barrier Reef temperatures into a multi-century context, AMOS 2022 (Online) 12 Feb 2022 (oral presentation).

Henley, B. J. (2021), Climate Emergency 2021: How the records of the past and models of the future show us what we need to do. Australian Plants Society, Newcastle, Australia (Online), 4 Nov 2021 (invited talk).

Henley, B. J. (2021), Climate Science: Should we let our fascinations drive our career choices? Quantum Victoria and AIPS Tall Poppy Outreach Experience, (invited talk to 7 schools across Victoria, reach: >200 students), 19 Aug 2021.

Henley, B. J. (2021), Australian multi-year drought probabilities in observations and CMIP6: Revisiting a tool for quantifying multi-year drought risk. AMOS Annual Meeting (Online), Apr 2021 (oral presentation).

Henley, B. J. (2021), An Introduction to the Wonder of Science and the Climate System. Western English Language School, Braybrook, VIC, Australia (invited talk at end of year whole school assembly), 2 Apr 2021.

Henley, B. J. (2020), Climate zones, weather and climate change. Tanilba Bay Primary School, NSW, Australia (invited talk to numerous primary classes), Sep 2020.

Henley, B.J. (2020), Drought is the Revelator. AMOS 2020, Fremantle, Australia, 13 Feb 2020 (invited plenary).

Henley, B.J. (2019), How is Australia feeling the heat, and thirst, of climate change?, Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development, Gothenburg, Sweden, 25 Nov 2019 (invited oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. (2019), Risks to water supply at 1.5 and 2 degrees of global warming, U21 Early Career Researcher Workshop, Water and Society, Lund University, Sweden, 21 Nov 2019 (oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. (2019), How else might we use the chronologies we develop? European Dendroecological Field Week, Pec pod Snezkou, Czech Republic, 5 Sep 2019 (invited oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. (2019), What can change the climate system and what changes should we plan for? Geelong Regional Alliance (G21) 2019 Stakeholder Forum, Torquay, 20 Aug 2019 (invited oral presentation and panel discussion)

Henley, B.J. (2019), Assessing water supply drought risk at 1.5 and 2 degrees and a new 2000 year context of rapid global warming, Unimelb Engineering – Hydrological Processes Group, 24 Jun 2019 (invited oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. (2019), Understanding Earth’s Climate: An Introduction, Brunswick English Language School, 20 Jun 2019 (invited oral presentation and classroom lesson)

Henley, B.J. (2019), Characterising variability and change for water resources planning: Combining palaeoclimate, instrumental and climate model data, Snowy Hydro Ltd, 28 Jan 2019 (invited oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. (2019), Reconstruction and Attribution of Multidecadal Temperature Variability Over the Common Era, AMOS-ICTMO 2019, Darwin Australia (oral presentation and session co-convenor)

Henley, B.J. (2019), The severity of multi-year droughts in palaeoclimate reconstructions and climate models, AMOS-ICTMO 2019, Darwin Australia (oral presentation, session chair and co-convenor)

Henley, B.J. (2019), Characterising variability and change for water resources planning: Combining palaeoclimate, instrumental and climate model data, Workshop on Multi-year Drought, Monash University, Clayton, Australia (oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. (2018), Severe drought in Victoria: Assessing the palaeoclimate baseline and water supply drought risk at the 1.5°C and 2.0°C Paris targets, Engineers Australia’s Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium Dec 2018, Melbourne, Australia (oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. (2018), How can we use palaeoclimate data in water resource planning?, DELWP VicWaCI Science Day, Melbourne, Australia (invited oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. (2018), Context for recent climate change: palaeoclimate reconstructions of past global temperatures, talk to Year 10 students at Unimelb, Melbourne, Australia

Henley, B.J. (2018), Interdecadal climate variability and climate change: impacts on Australian rainfall, 2018 Australian Cotton Conference, Gold Coast, Australia (invited oral presentation and panel discussion)

Henley, B.J. (2018), Severe drought in southern Australia in a warming world, AMOS-ICSHMO 2018, Sydney, Australia (oral presentation and session convenor)

Henley, B.J. (2017), The humanitarian impact of climate change: a science perspective, Woodford Folk Festival, Woodford, Australia (oral presentation and panel member)

Henley, B.J. et al (2017), Climate variability and change on decadal to multi-decadal timescales, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA (session convenor)

Henley, B.J. et al (2017), Hydrological drought in Australia: Paleoclimate baseline and reservoir failure risk at 1.5°C and 2°C Paris targets, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA (poster presentation)

Henley, B.J. (2017) A risky drought no doubt: risks to water supply at 1.5°C and higher levels of global warming, ARCCSS Workshop, Canberra, Australia (poster and lightning presentation)

Henley, B.J. (2017) Variability or change in southeast Australian rainfall and streamflow? New hints from multi-century palaeoclimate reconstructions, ARCCSS variability group seminar (oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. et al (2016), Decadal Variability in the Pacific: Palaeoclimate reconstructions of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, AMOS 2016, Melbourne, Australia (oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. et al (2016), Decadal Variability in the Pacific: observations, modelling and palaeoclimate, AMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA (oral presentation and session chair)

Henley, B.J. et al (2015), The Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation in CMIP5 models: systematic persistence biases, ARCCSS Workshop on superposition of modes and decadal variability, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. et al (2015), Decadal Climate Variability in the Pacific, Seminar at Australian-German Climate and Energy College, Melbourne, Australia (full seminar presentation)

Henley, B.J. et al (2015), Reconstructing the  Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, PAGES2k 4th Aus2k Workshop, Auckland, NZ (oral presentation and workshop)

Henley, B.J. et al (2015), Ocean2k project proposal: Reconstructing the  Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, PAGES2k Ocean2k Workshop, Barcelona, Spain (oral presentation and workshop)

Henley, B.J. et al (2015), A new index to track the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation in observations and models, AMOS 2015, Brisbane, Australia (oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. et al (2015), Utilising palaeoclimate data in water resource planning: recent work and proposed ARC Linkage Project, VicCI Science Day, Melbourne, Australia (oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. et al (2015), A Tripole Index for the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, ENSO Extremes and Diversity Workshop, Sydney, Australia (poster + short presentation)

Henley, B.J. et al (2014), Overview of multi-archive approaches to climate reconstruction: A case study of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, PAGES2k 3rd Aus2k Workshop, Melbourne, Australia (oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. et al (2014), Reconstructing the IPO/PDO: Understanding Pacific Decadal Variability over the last 1000 years, Unimelb Climate Research Connections, University of Melbourne, Australia (short oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. et al (2014), Towards a Pacific-wide Palaeo Reconstruction of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, AMOS 2014, Hobart, Australia (poster)

Henley, B.J. et al (2012), Climate-informed stochastic hydrological modeling: Incorporating decadal-scale variability using paleoclimate data, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA (oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. et al (2009), How long do phases of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) persist? Utilising palaeoclimate data in stochastic hydrology, Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Newcastle, Australia (oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. et al (2008), Short-term drought risk dynamics: the impact of multi-decadal climate variability and the water supply system properties, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Honolulu, USA (oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. et al (2008), Evaluating drought risk dynamics: Comparison of a Climate-Informed Multi-time Scale Stochastic (CIMSS) framework to the AR(1) model, Water Down Under, Adelaide, Australia (oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. et al (2007), Seasonal Stochastic Rainfall Modelling Using Climate Indices, Modsim 2007, Christchurch, NZ (oral presentation)

Henley, B.J. et al (2006), Incorporating Long-Term Climate Information into Stochastic Models of Annual Hydrological Data: A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach, Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Launceston, Australia (oral presentation)

Other Publications

Power, S., Saurral, R., Chung, C., Colman, R., Kharin, V., Boer, G., Gergis, J., Henley, B. J., McGregor, S., Arblaster, J., Holbrook, N. and Liguori, G. (2017) Towards the prediction of multi-year to decadal climate variability in the Southern Hemisphere. PAGES Magazine, vol. 25(1), 32-40,

Henley, B. J., Peel, M. C., Nathan, R., Ballis, N., Freund, M. (2020) Victorian Drought Risk Inference Project (VicDRIP): Subproject 1 Progress Report, Jan 2020. The University of Melbourne, 33 pp, Melbourne, Australia.

Henley, B.J., (2017) Pacific decadal climate variability: A factsheet for Australian water resource planners (available here).

Gergis, J., Phipps, S. J., Lorrey, A. M., Abram, N. J., Henley, B. J., Saunders, K. M. & Aus2k Workshop Participants, (2016) 4th Aus2k workshop report – Australasian palaeoclimate of the last 2000 years: Inter-comparison of climate field reconstruction methodologies, modeling, and data synthesis approaches, (Submitted to Quaternary Australasia).

Gergis, J., Lorrey, A. M., Abram, N. J., Henley, B. J., Phipps, S. J., Saunders, K. M. & Aus2k Workshop Participants, (2015) 4th Aus2k workshop report – Australasian palaeoclimate of the last 2000 years: Inter-comparison of climate field reconstruction methodologies, modeling, and data synthesis approaches, Pages Magazine.

Hope, P., Gergis, J., Abram, N. J., Brown, J. R., Phipps, S. J., Drysdale, R., Henley, B. J., Lorrey, A. M., Roop, H. & Tyler, J. (2014), ‘Workshop report: Australasia’s past climate variability-strengths drawn from palaeoclimate and model data over the last 2,000 years’, Bulletin of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, vol. 27, pp. 92–95.

Berghout, B., Henley, B. J. et al (2014) SoMo Documentation – Hunter Water Headworks Simulation Model, Version 2012.3c, Technical Report, Hunter Water Corporation, Newcastle, Australia.

Mortazavi-Naeini, M., Kuczera, G., Kiem, A. S., Henley, B. J., Berghout, B. & Turner, E. (2013), Robust optimisation of urban drought security for an uncertain climate, Report by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, 74 pp.

Publication Contributions/Acknowledgements

Croke et al (2021), A palaeoclimate proxy database for water security planning in Queensland Australia (contributed to data and database development)

Scaife, A. et al (2015), Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? UK Met Office Report (contributed figures/data)

Folland C.K. (2016) Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) in Scaife, A. (Ed.) 30-Second Meteorology, The 50 Most Significant Events and Phenomena, Each Explained in Half a Minute, Ivy Press, East Sussex, UK. (contributed figures)

King, A. D., Black, M. T., Min, S. K., Fischer, E. M., Mitchell, D. M., Harrington, L. J., & Perkins-Kirkpatrick, S. E. (2016). Emergence of heat extremes attributable to anthropogenic influences. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(7), 3438–3443. doi:10.1002/2015GL067448 (contributed discussions)

Conference Session Convening/Chairing

Gallant, A. J., Power, S., Henley, B. J., Ukkola, A., Nguyen, H. (2019), Drought: variability, processes and prediction, AMOS-ICTMO 2019, Darwin, Australia

Henley, B. J., Ukkola, A. (2018), Processes, impacts and likelihood of severe droughts in the Southern Hemisphere, AMOS-ICSHMO 2017, Sydney, Australia

Henley, B. J., Folland,  C. (2017), Climate variability and change on decadal to multi-decadal timescales, AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA

Henley, B. J., Power, S.B. (2017), Decadal climate variability: observations, mechanisms, predictability and prediction, AMOS 2017, Canberra, Australia

Henley, B. J. (2016), Decadal-Multidecadal Variability in Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Basins, Americal Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA