Packing takes forever! (Rick)
At least at college it did. I had all my stuff ready in my room to leave for the holidays, much of it in suitcases with my books loose. I go to get my car, get there, and didn’t think that in order to move my car, I would need these things called keys – and not any old key would do! I had to venture back to college, catching the train. I got back to Melbourne Central Station, I had twenty minutes to get from platform 3 to Medley Hall, get my keys, and return for the next train. (I didn’t want to waste time.) I ran, skipping four stairs at a time, diving for green walking men, and rolled between cars. I made it to Medley hall in eight minutes. Luckily I knew where I my keys were, and so had a quick drink, and sprinted back off. Once again I dived for green men, but found no need to roll between cars, and was able to relax by the time I was at Melbourne Central Station. By the time I got back to my car, I’d wasted an hour – just gone into the ether!
Now I won’t exaggerate things. I took my car back to Medley Hall to pack my car – which took over an hour to pack my car. I had to make countless trips, each time closing my room door, opening the front door, opening my car, putting the stuff in, locking the car, then back to my room. Arranging things around my double bass would’ve definitely accounted for much of the time lost.
On Saturday morning I woke up at 4:50am for work. It’s at a local market back at home. It’s just a casual job and would work there sometimes along with my mother and brother. It’s figgin freezin! For some reason it’s much much much warmer in Melbourne than a little way up North!
In the town where I come from there is a big Easter fair. So on Saturday night there was a torchlight procession and then we had dancing in the street, where they set up a big truck that’s been set up as a stage. The DJ shows us dance moves, and we copy, and there’s a street full of people, half of which can’t remember all the things the DJ said. Fortunately we do well known dances every year, such as the ‘Macarena’ and ‘The Bus Stop’. On the Monday there was a parade which anyone can enter and have a competition in different categories. It’s always nice to see familiar faces and some of the things they’ve created.
The holidays has meant both being able to see both my Mum and Dad, which has been great. But there has also been a tonne of homework. I only had one assignment but I’ve had to revise and even just try to understand the contents of my subjects. I’d like to catch up a little just to get ahead, and also properly understand those bloody limit proofs!
At home we now have two new black kittens, but I still like my old cat best, even though she is more timid. One of our ducks is getting old and having to rest more often, and sometimes just doesn’t bother to hang around with the other ducks. Also while I’ve been away we’ve now got someone else living in my old house, as they are filming a movie in my town at the moment as well, and this person is in the crew.
I also worked on some music. Although every time I start to get into it I have to go back home. Maybe next holidays? I look forward to its release.
Now I’m back at college, and looking forward to tomorrow. Damn it was freezing back home – Melbourne is so much warmer!