One of those moments + An Inconvenient Truth (Sophie)
Have you ever had one of those times when you embarassed yourself, the other person said nothing though you were sure they noticed, so you drew attention to the form of embarassment and made a joke of it…..and then it turned out they didn’t actually notice anything in the first place?!
JUST has one of those moments.
Ah well…life goes on…
If there is one thing I want this blog to have achieved this year, it’s that at least one person saw this documentary because they read about it in here!!!
I organised the Political Interest Society to see this film last Monday.
It was amazing, inspiring, frightning and a million other things all at once. I left the theatre gob-smacked and with my mind in over-drive. Now I’m on the path to investigating green energy, have intensified my “power saving” mind-set and am telling every single person I meet to see this film. When I get time I’m going to write letters to my local federal government members reminding them that Australia has yet to sign the Kyoto protocol (despite that not being enough anymore)…and over the summer break I’m going to try and see what plans my local council has in place to reduce the community’s effect on global warming.
Even if you already know a lot about Global Warming, seeing An Inconvenient Truth just intensifies everything you know 100-fold. You don’t just know about it anymore, you wake up to it.
Cinema Nova on Monday has cheap $5 tickets before 4pm which fellow students may like to take advantage of, but prices aren’t much more than that on other days. Paying $14 to be educated about an issue that will determine your life, the life of your future children, and the world’s destiny is worth it in my humble opinion.
On a side note: Al Gore is incredible. That guy is HOT. I darn well hope he runs for President. Did you know he was one of the few Democrats against the Iraq war from the start? (Hillary VOTED for it!)
Sometimes I wonder how the world would have been different if Florida hadn’t been won by a group of republican -sympathising lawyers and academics, flown down on a private jet to help with the case.
The benefit of hindsight right?
Where would the world be now if Gore had won?
And how IS the world going to survive the next 100 years?, as Steven Hawking recently asked.
Optomist or Cynic? Where do you stand on the issue?
Sometimes I think my whole life is one of those embarrassing moments.
I haven’t seen the movie (and probably won’t have the chance), but from what I’ve read the whole thing smacks of hype. This is not to say that I approve of the way our government treats the environment/Kyoto Protocol/etc., but the way Gore goes about his business seems over-the-top.
You and Al Gore, eh? I never would’ve guessed. Digging the irony of calling him “hot” though 🙂
I feel sorry for the guy. If you believe Michael Moore, he had the election stolen from him. But it’s good to see that he’s taking an issue as important as climate change to the masses, even though he’s not in any position of power. I probably won’t see the film until it comes out on DVD though, mainly because I’m already convinced of what he has to say.
With that said, I still can’t get over all the parodies of him The Simpsons did before he became globally famous for his Presidential bid eg. the talking Al Gore doll which says “You are hearing me talk.” Gold.
Oh, and the widespread Democrat support of the war in its infancy was really just to keep up appearances I think. As we can see, many have jumped ship since the war has become such a disaster. Al Gore was already a spent political force in the early stages – he had nothing to lose by speaking against it.
Q: I’m glad to know I’m not alone re embarassing moments!!
I have to disagree with you on ‘hype’ though. Hype implies untruths and the like. Yes the movie is presented in a way which emotionally appeals…but that is to ensure the message gets across. None of the data presented is incorrect – it is all from respectable scientific journals and the like. You could type in something from the documentary and it will come up on google as scientific research.
The thing is that global warming is one of those issues which you can’t see happening in front of you. It’s so easy to pretend it doesn’t exist – that’s why it’s an inconvenient truth and we need to create ways of engaging people with the issue. Al Gore goes about this in a superb fashion. You need to MAKE this issue ‘big’ because it IS big! I honestly think that without Al Gore’s efforts, the masses would not care as much as they are starting to now.
Chris: Lol! I’ve always been a Gore fan, way back from 2000. I’m a Democrat all the way.
I’m not really a fan of Michael Moore (though I do respect the guy) but I think if you talk to anyone involved in the matter it’s fairly clear that the votes were in Gore’s favour, unfortunately on the day of reckoning the law went against him. But no one ever said the law was justice.
The reasons the Democrats supported the war was that the majority of the American public supported it. The was was originally seen as a war of patriotism. It was about defending the American way of life and defeating terrorism. America was still very very raw from the 9/11 attacks. They needed somewhere else to put their energies into as Afganistan was such a slow process and they kept missing Osama. Not supporting the war would have meant political death for the Democrats at that time. There was next to no choice about it. I don’t think Al Gore was a ‘spent’ political force (clearly he’s most likely going to run for the next Presidency)…but I think he was on the sidelines enough to say what he thought without getting cut down too much within the party because most people felt bad for him re 2000, and I also like to think he is a man of genuine principles who stands up for what he believes in.