U may get killed, not my problem..

Hey, it’s not me who’s threatening you all….

Recently, my friend joined the lacrosse club and she had to sign this doc for membership. There was this page on terms and conditions and I quote ‘I fully understand that this sport may result in some injury or being killed..’ unquote. My friend showed it to me and the moment I saw it, I simply burst out laughing. Call it my lack of knowledge, but as far as I have known, I haven’t seen anyone write something like that!! Seriously!

It’s like telling sum1, oh, u might die when u do this, so let’s play it!!! It’s so intimidating! This is not hard core soccer or basketball where some one as tough as a boulder might run into u…this is a simple sport, for crying out loud! I still keep thinking abt it and cannot believe my eyes…Anyone seen this before? Maybe they mention that in every sport so that they don’t get sued or somethin, but still….just annoys the hel outta me..

Anyways, got this new chem lec..more serious and quite boring, and he tries to pull out a what do I call it, not-so-funny, yet funny…(if that makes sense) joke. We were learning about repulsion and attraction between two balls that are coming into contact. He relates it to ppl where u c ur friend in the distance and approaches him/her (attraction) and then repulsion coz u don’t want to get too close, be right in their face! Sometimes, u get too close, probably hug, or kiss and I quote when it gets to the tongue part unquote it starts to get weird or uncomfortable. I could find myself laughing along with a majority of the others but shouldn’t they keep their standard? Yes, it’s funny, I agree but come on, he’s a lecturer, and just trying to make someone laugh by saying almost ANYTHING is worse than just keeping quiet. Right?

Till next time

2 thoughts on “U may get killed, not my problem..

  1. Oh, I love those disclaimers. They’re there so that if you do get injured, the sports association can argue that you have undertaken a voluntary assumption of risk and therefore not get sued for a breach of the duty of care under negligence tort, because technically if somebody in the lacrosse team decides, out of their own will, to smack the living daylights out of you with their stick the sports club can be held accountable for it too, although they’d be unlikely to lose a suit if it could be shown that there was something they could and should have done to prevent your being pounded (the very action of someone putting in a claim, however, would have negative consequences and a lot of fuss for the club, so it’s understandable that they wouldn’t want to take the risk).

    In fact, we got a case study with pretty similar facts to the scenario described above a few weeks ago where someone suffered paraplegia as a result of sporting injuries.

    But anyway… I should go back to discussing the law in my assignment, and not here, so don’t mind me 😛

  2. That should say “if it could be shown that there was nothing they could have done”. Bah. Very different meaning there.

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