Thanks heaps!!
So, I have completed writing a blog for 1 semester, which is a great achievement for me. It’s quite hard to keep the interest in readers going, you see.
As I look back to my blogs, I wonder of the readers I have. Some who post comment, some who don’t. My previous post (Semester 1 in a nutshell) was the best entry so far coz it not just allowed me and my readers to see how my uni experience overall has been but also I was quite astonished and moved by the comments.
After publishing each post, I would think, meh, who’s gonna read my blog? It’s all for me. But this time, I am certain that there are people out there who do read them. And so, to them, let me shout out THANKS!! I was contemplating if I need to continue on with this writing but I think I will coz I realized that there’s someone out there who wishes to learn more about my uni life. And so, I shall..
Thanks again. The readers are the army behind the Main one; Me being the main one. Without you and your feedback, I’m nobody here.
Have a chocolate or a candy from my part, friends! Have fun next semster as well.
Till next time