Attention: socialists, capitalist pigs, dorito eaters, bubble cup drinkers, symphony metal listeners (David)

I went to the group interview as part of the process to become a host for O-week next year. I thoroughly enjoyed the interview and I was leaving, I realised what was different this semester. At the beginning of the year, everybody was excited and receptive to making new friends. However, as the year went by and the uni work piled up, we went back to our old comfortable ways. Well that’s how I feel anyway. Swamped by everything else in life, I have forgotten the joys of meeting strangers (the good type) and striking a friendship with them. So ladies, gentlemen and transsexuals, allow me to declare to cyberspace that as of 23:55 Tuesday October 23rd 2007, I am going to put extra effort into meeting new people. Anyone, just anyone, including communists, facists, red rock deli eaters, slurpee munchers (I don’t like slurpers), acid jazz listeners…just anyone who smiles back.

I recently came across a website and I was pleasantly surprised that such a website actually exists. The site allows you to rate your teachers on a scale from zero to five, five being the best rating. I was impressed at the comprehensive list of schools and teachers (it even has a few lecturers under University of Melbourne). Looking at the list of teachers at my school, I have to say the ratings are a fairly accurate reflection on their performance. If a teacher is rating very low in comparison to other teachers (after a considerable number of ratings), there is a reason for it. Like most other people would, I thought this rating system would be misused by immature students but the comments made by students are both fair and constructive. At the end of the day, the majority of the student population can look pass the trivial matters and recognise a good teacher. Radical as it may be, I believe this online rating system would be better feedback than the time wasting surveys we do at school, because students are actually volunteering their time to rate and comment.

So go on people, rate away!

News Flash: I just realised the light globe from the main hanging light (which luckily I don’t use cos its crap) fell down and landed on the floor. It hasn’t shattered because it landed safely on a bunch of clothes. I guess being messy has its benefits. Mum would be proud of me.

4 thoughts on “Attention: socialists, capitalist pigs, dorito eaters, bubble cup drinkers, symphony metal listeners (David)

  1. I really enjoyed the host interview as well! I suppose it’s the kind of people it attracts, but everyone was really friendly and I ended up meeting people who were friends of friends or I’d seen around, and catching the tram back to Melb. Central with them. I hope that I get accepted ’cause I think it’d be a really good way to meet more people, and a bit of fun. 🙂

  2. Hee… is the original and probably more popular site, but it’s American so you don’t really get many Australian universities on it.

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