Anyone who's missing uni? (Kripa)


It’s been 1 and a half months in India and 1 more to go.
To be honest, coming here made me realize how much I took my life in Australia for granted. Life here is chaotic:
You step out of your house and you see a whole new world. The sound of loud horns every second, creaky buses that lean onto one side due to the weight of its crushed passengers, heavy smoke rising into the bright blue sky.
You step out of your house with some money (or lots), by the time you reach home your pockets are empty. Let your imagination go wild.
I see huge mansions, expensive cars and yet wonder why people complain of umemployment or poverty. Where’s all the money going?

In my free time, I think about my uni life – it’s so freakin’ amazing!!
However, there is something that brings me to India. The happiness when you see your relatives after a long time. The sense of belonging where you can speak your own language to everyone. (by the way, I still prefer speaking english)

The bottom line is – I miss uni. Almost 2 months ago, I was eager to come here, now I’m eager to go back to my wonderful life in Australia.

Hope your holiday is going good.

On a side note, going to India ain’t that bad. There are some things that you get to see only in India. Trust me.

Till next time

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