Mmm, blueberries…

Since it has been quite some time since ive attempted to make a post, (my sincerest appologies 🙂 )i thought i might fill you in on some of the details…

1.  I am uterly confused as to how i can go so bloody well in weekly assignments and the like, and yet perform so miserably on the mid semester tests.  Although I did only lose 1 mark for the ridiculously easy chem midsemtest (too bad it was only out of 12)!!!  It seems I’m struggling to remember things for more than a week at the moment.  It must be all those long breaks where i just read the paper, or vogue, in the rowdy – who seriously pays $9000 for a trench coat?

2.  Moving right along, I have found myself pondering lately why I struggled with chem in highschool, and found bio a breeze; but as soon as I get to uni, im drowning in biological terms/names (impossible to remember them all) but chem just makes sense! Would someone care to enlighten me?

3.  I joined facebook the other day, and yes i know im a bit slow, but i was deliberatley not joining so i wouldn’t waste countless hours doing nothing.  Unfortunately, it seems thats exactly what I’ve been doing ever since.  But really, who can resist all those wonderful quizzes, and seeing what old school friends are up to?

4.  Welcome to the other new bloggers.  Apparently there’s a blogger meet-up?

5.  Oh, and one other thing:  are blueberies not the best snack for essay writing? Must be all those antioxidants…

Have fun 🙂

(I just noticed, why do the emoticon thingies in wordpress look particularly evil? Damn wordpress!)

5 thoughts on “Mmm, blueberries…

  1. $9000 for a trench definitely pushes the limit….but then if it’s Haute Couture, I can understand….though it is rather obscene to spend that much on a piece of clothing. If it was Prêt-à-Porter – then what an f-ing joke though!

    It annoys me how much some designers rip people off e.g. Louis Vuitton hair baubles for $150…

  2. Hermes bangle for $840…, but its still fun to look at the pictures and pick out the things you would buy, if we had a disposable income though!

  3. lol, I can definitely relate to that bio vs chem thing. I think the problem is with bio, it’s just pure memorisation. All those terms just have to get into your head somehow. Whereas with chem, you have to understand the concepts. And once you do, everything just makes sense and there’s just a minimal amount of revision. happy to hear you’re doing well at uni so far, glad at least some of us are doing well!

  4. i’ve never had blueberries during essay writing but i most definitely will try it out. i usually snack on gummi bears while i’m trying desperately to finish my essays but i tend to get distracted because they’re just so cute and squishy.

    i dropped chem in year 12 and did bio instead, mainly because i figured that, if i ever fell behind in class and wound up a week before the exam knowing nothing, all i had to do was memorise the terms whereas, if i did chem, i’d have to try and work on the concepts which is a lot harder to do when you’re stressing under a limited period of time. basically, i agree with yuan. possibly vce bio required less memorisation than uni bio does and since you get chem, everything just clicks. 🙂 which is a good thing. things clicking, i mean. i’m starting to wonder whether i’ve learned anything at all during this first semester :S

    oh man…worst time to join facebook? last year’s september holidays. the holidays that i was supposed to use for revision. nope, instead, i spent an unhealthy amount of hours trying to beat my friends’ scores on tetris.

    i too will express disbelief at the idea that a trench coat could cost $9000. but then, this is coming from me, who almost cried when she had to pay $30 for a pair of jeans. anything over $10, to me, is waaayyyy overpriced. 🙂

    yes, there’s a blogger meet-up…just have no idea when. hmmm. it’d be awesome to see if i can pick everybody out based simply on the information they’ve disclosed from their blogs…hmmmm

  5. Yes I absolutely get the bio/chem thing. Every bio lecture I get inundated with words that sound swedish and a bunch of memory work. Every chem lecture I get a couple of concepts and there’s no need for memory work as doing the set questions is enough to get the concepts stuck in firmly.

    Chocolate can work too, but it’s only good for creative style assignments/study. Right now its sour skittles… mmm.

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