Hello internet (Katie)

I’d like to think that rocking up late to something like this gives me an air of enigma, but most likely it just highlights the fact university takes a lot of energy. No one ever really told me that – I was under the impression it was all drinking and getting in touch with your inner (and very well hidden) academic. I got up at 9:26 for my 10am lecture, though, which was a very pleasant change from school. That’s right, I’m a College student. I’ve been informed this means that I have to sit up the back of lectures in trackies and be conspicuously absent when it’s raining. I can only hope.

I don’t have time to write a massive, all-details-laid-bare first post (I have a lecture in 31 minutes and it’s all of 500m away), but honestly, the last week has been unbelievable. I moved here from interstate about two weeks ago, but now feel right at home. I have experienced many things (College O-week, especially mine, will not be quickly forgotten) and can only offer one piece of advice so far: Just Go With It. The pub crawls, the dancing, subject selection, friends in Lectures and the nice guy at the DLU. I’m just enjoying every single second.

3 thoughts on “Hello internet (Katie)

  1. Heads up: There’s also a nice boy at the cafe near the Alice Hoy building, if your DLU friend takes a day off.

  2. I’m pretty severely dyslexic (I see it as a victory that it wasn’t obvious in the post), I need to chat to them about a computer for exams. 🙂
    And I’ll remember about the boy. Can never have enough around.

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