A New Hope [katie]

Observations, Day One: your average student has funkier clothes, shinier hair, heavier make-up (predominantly females, but hey, who am I to judge?) and a much less downtrodden attitude than a month ago!

It’s kind of intimidating for sick, lazy people like me who turn up in B-grade clothes and already worried about failing. The masses will all come round to my way of thinking soon enough, though.

Another observation – my first two lectures consisted of about 90% questions. It was incredibility frustrating , but I’m also hooked to turn up and learn the answers!

I also get to blog for assessment in Culture, Media and Everyday Life. Awesome.

2 thoughts on “A New Hope [katie]

  1. Are you doing IDF Globalisation? Because part of the assessment for that is a blog, too – apparently about how globalisation has affected your life. Like, went to Mickey D’s, went to Starbucks, talked to my friend from Hong Kong, bought a baguette and some sushi, I’m sooooo cosmopolitan. That’s seriously 30% of the mark. I’m sold.

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