
Haven’t really made any friends at uni yet, however I keep discovering that friends I have already, go here. Which is good. Classes are pretty fun so far, but I’m kinda distracted (my best-friend is visiting from Perth) and, I guess, feeling pretty disassociated from the whole uni experience. Maybe I should buy a jumper.

On an unrelated note- how insane was the hailstorm the other day? Native Melburnians- does that happen often? I was in the Richmond library typing up a post for this when it happened and the library closed, so I had to abandon ship, blog-wise.

Spanish as a subject seems really good so far, but really fast paced. Scary stuff.

Sorry for not posting much. I always get all excited about posting and then I end up watching my cursor blink for a while, not knowing what to type. I have a lecture in 5 minutes, so had better go.


2 thoughts on “Hmm.

  1. Katie, Melbourne’s weather is about as unpredictable as…well, to be honest, I can’t even compare it to anything. In my eighteen years I have never seen a hailstorm like that, and my parents never have either.
    I live in Essendon, where we got pretty badly hit: broken windows, a billion leaks, our garden quite damaged, all the paint chipped/ripped off our windowpanes, and a sprained wrist on my behalf for trying to be a hero then slipping on some water. 😛

    I hope you can find your place at uni. 🙂 It takes longer for some people, but I’m sure you’ll be fine!

  2. (this response is a bit late, excuse me)

    yeah, there’s so much pressure to make “uni friends” but we forget that the forming of friendship is a SLOW AND PAINFUL process.

    “Maybe I should buy a jumper.” Great way to sum up what I was feeling like last week too.

    And short blogs are good. (in my opinion) I feel like I get more out of reading them. – though that comment is a little hypocritical.

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