Haven't seen you around here in a while (Jessica)

Golly gosh, I hope my absence from our humble blog hasn’t made too much of an impact. Doubt it will since I don’t believe I have many avid readers at the moment!

How is everyone doing? I’d love to hear how the Semester has been panning out for you all. So please update, comment, etc!

As for me, I’ve been very very busy as most of you would know. I started off the Semester pretty well academically, but have fallen into the horrible pattern of missing a lot of lectures and having to catch up on them in my own free time! Socially, it has been very busy with lots of Balls happening at the moment. If you read my previous posts you’ll know that I managed four camps at the beginning of the year…now it is time for four balls! That’s right, I’ll be hitting up four balls this year (Wallet, please forgive me).

I’ve also been very busy with Aa as of late. It’s leading up to our highly acclaimed Annual Ball so there is a lot going on with that.

I’d love to update you all a little more and chuck a few pictures here and there (you know I love pictures) but must run! Have a lot of work to do so I can’t let a minute go to waste!

Hope you all have a lovely week.

4 thoughts on “Haven't seen you around here in a while (Jessica)

  1. I’ve missed reading your blog Jess! You know I’m your number one fan 😉

    Can totally relate to starting off well academically and then falling behind :S I need to catch up! Semester 2 has been so busy with assignments.

    Wow 4 balls, you party girl. I’ve got Arts Ball next week which should be good.

    Good luck with everything x

  2. Adeshola, don’t lie, if you’re number one, then I am number… errm.. *tries to think of number better than one* 0.9 😀

    Enjoy the balls and catch up soon yeah guys?

  3. Haha it sounds like were hiding, or some rare creature 😛 “And as we search for the elusive “new blogger” we have encountered their habitat, littered with coffee cups and masses of what appear to be notes and papers, as the hunt continues, it appears the new blogger is a much more complicated creature than previously thought” 🙂

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