What I learnt during first year (Adeshola)

Finishing exams always feels like a bit of an anti-climax. For weeks you’re hidden away studying and let’s be honest, procrastinating about how wonderful finishing exams will be. Then you finally finish the last exam, walk out and it’s all over instantly. This was me on Friday as I penciled in my final answer for my Psychology exam. This time, it felt even more surreal given that I had just finished my first year at university. Thinking about how quickly the year has gone it’s scary to think I’m 1/3 of the year way through my BA. So, for those of you entering university next year I thought why not sum up my first year experience in a list.

Here are my top five lessons learnt from my first year-

The importance of getting involved in uni life: When I think back over my first year it’s not so much my academic journey that stands out the most, but the extracurricular activities I’ve thrown myself into. Melbourne University is a practically a sea of clubs and societies. Whatever your interests are, there’s a club that will speak to you (from the ‘More Beer’ club to the ‘Politically Interested Society’). This year I’ve gotten involved with the Arts Student Society, been elected the Secretary of the Media & Comm Society and written for the student publication Farrago. It’s these experiences that have completely changed my university life. They’ve given me opportunities to meet like minded students, make new friends and make university more than just lectures and tutorials. So I insist that all new comers for 2013 choose something you’re passionate about in uni life and just do it!

Talk to people from Day One: I still remember how anxious I was on the first day of Orientation week earlier this year. Walking up to my host group I had no idea what to expect- Would people be nice? Would I find friends at uni in such big campus? While the first ten minutes or so involved some awkward getting to know you games, we soon were chatting to each other an discovering how much we all had in common. Everyone is new and nervous during O-week, so take this time when you’re all in the same boat to say ‘hi’ to someone, ask them where a room is (even if you know the answer), just start talking from the start and I assure you everything will be easier.

Go to your lectures, do your readings: I know, I sound like your lecturer. But seriously, go to lectures and do your readings regularly. As tempting as it may be to just continue lying in the sun on South Lawn, you will regret having to listen to all the missed lecturers in SWOT VAC. Future you will not be happy at all. Listening to the recordings of lectures is not the same as being there and often results in Facebook stalking and Youtube watching. So too does attempting to read your whole subject reader in Week 12. Just don’t do it.

Go on an Orientation camp: I still tell people how different my University life would be if I hadn’t gone on Arts Camp. Yes, it involved getting up at 5am to secure tickets but  the friends you meet make it so worth it! So whatever Orientation camp you choose to go on, cancel your Grandma’s birthday, take the weekend off work and go to a camp!

Take advantage of free stuff: Melbourne University is a gold mind for free stuff. If you join enough clubs you could definitely get by never having to pack or buy your lunch. Free food and drinks can range from souvlakis and burgers to sausages, ciders and beer. You’d be foolish to not take advantage of it all!


They would definitely be my top five lessons of First Year. Jump right into uni life and take up any opportunity that interests you even if you’re not sure if you’re good enough or how it will turn out. Smile and talk to people and don’t be afraid to ask for help. At such a big campus it’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed, but be assured there are numerous places to seek help if needed.

Thanks so much to all the readers of this blog for allowing me and the other bloggers to share our first year experiences with you. Hopefully it’s been useful! I’m looking forward to continue blogging next year at the ‘Back for Seconds’ blog which can be found here: https://airport.unimelb.edu.au/seconds




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