School days

It’s another day in the classroom. As you may recall, I’m studying my Master in Education. I’m currently doing casual relief teaching, which involves teaching/supervising students in a school. It’s good being in the classroom, especially when you’re studying, because you’re able to apply what you’re learning and see the visible benefit of your studies. I’m not saying that necessarily doing my assignments are more fun, but they are more bearable and at the least interesting and valuable.


I remembering my own blog post on 5 ways to stay committed to your studies, with one of the tips being enjoy the journey and one step at a time. Although I’m not ‘teaching’ any particular subjects yet, I’m still gaining valuable exposure to the classroom, to teachers, to the school environment. I’m seeing each day as a placement in the real-world classroom. I practice my behaviour management strategies, and many other things, such as keeping students engaged and making sure they are learning.


I’ve gotten back into the habit of eating fairly fast again, you never know exactly when that bell will ring. What else is there to say, I’m still enjoying drinking my coffee, and have a new addiction to pearl milk teas, I think because you get to enjoy eating something that’s been beautifully placed at the bottom of your cup along with the cold milk tea. Which when typed, doesn’t sound that attractive, but when you drink it, well, that’s altogether a different and great experience.

And on that note, I think I’ll end my blog post there.


Stay safe,


Raspberry and Rocks


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