Oh… I still have a blog! (Cara)
Well, this is awkward.
Hello again. Hi. Yes, fine. And you? Good, good.
I am so sorry, it’s been so long. I still love you, I promise.
If we were on a footpath rather than the internet, I’d be throwing myself on the ground with remorse, kissing your hem. Maybe. Unless the street was really dusty that day.
I ran into one of the other bloggers at Starbucks today, and we both mumbled awkwardly and hungoverdly about how neither of us had written in ages, so I’m reforming myself.
So, what do you want to know? That’s part of the reason of my non-blogging tendencies, it’s difficult to know what facets of my life interest whatever stray cyber-waifs stumble across my words. My stance on UMSU elections? (irritating. I just voted for candates with the prettiest names because I am a valuable and well-informed member of the electorate). My views of subjects this semester? (Seriously, deeply mixed. I contemplated dropping a couple at one point. Personality psychology’s pretty ace, though, I’ve taken to analysing my friends which I’m sure is not in the least annoying.) My personal life? (Messy and splendid and not really a can of worms I want to open to the world of public speculation).
Let’s talk about Melbourne! This city doesn’t stop amazing me. I had someone ask me this morning (Cara-speak, ‘morning’ means whatever grey-faced early-afternoon hour I roll out of some winestained bed) ‘so, what don’t you like about Melbourne?’. I was speechless – unable to envisage this city as anything other than a garden of delights. I exaggerate, yes, but not that much. I know it’s full of creepsters and filth and rats as well as coffee and joy and architecture, but hey, that doesn’t bother me. If you ever stop appreciating this place properly, spend a weekend in Perth. If you manage to get through without killing yourself at how despairingly dull it is, you’ll return to an eye-opening revelation of this ol’ town.
I feel like I should leave you with some sage words of wisdom, but I’ll leave it to Jónsi.
Go sing, too loud
Make your voice break- Sing it out
Go scream, do shout
Make an earthquake…
Watch this. It’ll reassure you that the world is a wonderful place. (Or maybe you’re someone with their shit together who never doubts it, but I need reassurance sometimes)