Feeling the cold (Adeshola)

Apologies for having not posted in the blog in awhile. Despite promising myself I’d be up to date with my blog posts, uni life is just flying by! We’ve well and truly passed the transition stage, just passed the half way mark and the word ‘exam’ is starting to feature more and more in tutorials, lectures and even conversations with friends. Fair to say, the semester has gone ridiculously quick and the thought of exams is quite terrifying!

I definitely feel as if the excitement of uni has worn off, for most people, we’re more or less in a steady routine. Yet, the end of semester is just that bit too far ahead to beginning planning what I intend to do on my mid-semester break. It’s an odd time and is lacking in M-ASS parties! so I’ve mainly be focusing on my assignments which are all due around this time! At the end of the week, I can tick off Criminology and Psychology and then they’ll be just one more to go!

On another note, is anyone else finding this rainy weather just horrible? It’s come so quickly, with the sunny days of autumn feeling well and truly gone. Personally, the only time I enjoy rainy weather is when I’m at home with the heating on and nowhere to be (although these occurrences are extremely rare). Maybe it’s just me, but when I wake up in the morning and hear the rain, the only thing I feel like doing is watching re-runs of Friends in bed for the rest of the day. So today, I could already tell was not going to be fun. It involved trudging to the train station in the rain, waiting for a delayed train and then standing on a tram with my broken umbrella as we moved at a snail’s pace down Royal Parade. So not fun! I’m missing Summer already and it’s not even Winter yet….

One thing I did enjoy today though was releasing my inner nerd and spending my break at a (warm) Academic Skills Unit workshop and Careers session. Despite what you may think, I highly recommend them to everyone! The Academic skills workshops give you some great tips and info for studying and research because let’s face it, to go from high school where you have one library to Melbourne Uni where it feels like they’re are countless libraries with thousands of books is a tad intimidating! The Careers session today went through 10 things Arts students should know about careers in first year. I found it incredibly valuable to gain some more information, plus the presenter busted the myth that an Arts degree is pointless. Turns out, us Arts graduates are ‘highly valued’ in the workplace these days. So, take that people who joke about Arts students and comment on ‘actually wanting a job’ after their degree. This made me feel a lot better and cheered me up on such a miserable rainy day!

Hope everyone has a great week and enjoys having ANZAC Day off!

Until next time, stay warm!




One thought on “Feeling the cold (Adeshola)

  1. Heya Adeshola!

    I am the same. During the cold weather, the idea of food, tele and bed is all I want to do.


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