So close now…. (Adeshola)

Wow! Where has this semester gone? It’s 10 weeks that have gone by so quickly, with only two to go. Exams are definitely creeping closer and subjects beginning to wrap up as revision is undertaken. I just completed my “Subject survey” for each subject on the LMS and it was a scary reminder of how close exams and end of semester are!

So while this semester has been largely taken up by social events, meeting new people and general orientation, now it’s definitely time to keep our heads down and revise for the exams! I’m still not entirely sure what my take home “exam” consists of and thus I guess I should just summarise my notes and have everything organised for each subject. Psychology is my main worry- as it’s a 3 hour exam that’s going to be packed with the whole semester’s content. It’s a lot to remember, especially as my other subjects are more philosophical and concepts based. Psychology is also a huge subject so there’s a lot of competition, better get studying I guess!

Definitely looking forward to the feeling of having finished all of my exams and being able to truly rest. Looking back though over the past semester so far, it’s been absolutely amazing transitioning into uni from the people I’ve met to the clubs and societies joined and just the whole “uni experience”! Looking forward to Semester 2 to try some new subjects and start fresh!

Happy studying everyone!


One thought on “So close now…. (Adeshola)

  1. Cannot wait for the Semester to be over! I’m keen for new subjects a nice fresh start as well!

    Good luck for exams! x

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