Back to Uni we go…. (Adeshola)

So I’m writing this post in the Baillieu library after an afternoon spent helping out at the O-week Clubs and Society’s stall. It definitely feels rather odd being back on campus aftter almost six weeks of holidays, but I thought I’d ease my way back into Uni life. In fact, the library is lovely and peaceful during the mid-semester break. All I can hear is the sound of my laptop keys tapping away on my keyboard and the odd book page being flipped. I’ve also just paid a visit to the new Co-op bookstore which recently took over from the Melbourne Uni bookstore. The perfect time to buy readers I would say- never seen it more quiet!

Our Media and Communications Society O-week stall went quite successfully! It was great to meet some new mid-year entrance students and talk to everybody about subjects they’re studying. For those interested, we are running an Industry night with professional journalist, public relation companies, bloggers and academics who will be sharing there experiences of how they got into the industry and made a living from it! It’s $10 for members, $12 for non-members plus free alcohol and food on the night (What’s not to love?). For more details check the Facebook event page out here:

Being Thursday, we’re coming to the last weekend of our holidays. For me, it’s time to slowly start getting around the mindset of readings, assignments and early mornings.

Definitely looking forward to semester two for a fresh start! Plus, with the weather getting warmer and Paint & Glow, Arts Ball and Prosh Week just around the corner, I have a feeling it’s going to be a good one!

All the best,



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