I am highly amused (Suzanne)

The alumni website for the university has a list of prominent alumni. Of course, this isn’t an exhaustive catalogue. For an updated list, it tells you, you should go visit the respective Wikipedia page. It even provides the link.

Ah, what a brave new world we live in!

3 thoughts on “I am highly amused (Suzanne)

  1. Thanks Shells

    The sneaky devils got to it over the weekend, which are the days we don’t always check the blog.
    If anyone’s wondering, we’re upgrading to a newer version of WordPress which we hope will make the spamming a bit more difficult. But if you notice anything unsavoury on the blog before us, please let us know!

    – Kathryn

  2. Why didn’t anyone tell me we had a new editor?

    Just a heads up: any comments that bear the author ‘Dr. Waterstone’ are likely to be unsavoury and/or politically incorrect.


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