Semester 2 in a nutshell (Kripa)

Some of the good stuff that I can recall:
– We actually started on a bit of food science this semester. And that felt good after all the basic chem and bio we did before.
– No assignments at all!! How good is that?
– A fine timetable because I get mornings off on 2 days.
– The union elections; first time I see all the campaigning. In my school, we had a different method.
-I discovered a sensor in the copland theatre where if u put your hand in front of it, the lights go off!! I need to apologize because I didn’t know what it was and later found it out when it actually worked.
– Lots of wonderful videos that I enjoyed in my bio lecture. Truly amazing.
– For some reason, one of my economics lecture is held in the law building. My god, I just love the chairs (just like in those big offices, also lets you sit upright, good for the posture) and the tables and the whole setup of the lecture theatres there. I envy you, law students!
– Apart from my faculty computer labs and the computers in the balilieu library, my new haunt is the biology computer labs. No crowding, do what you want on the net at peace.
– All those e-mails requesting to swap classes amused me with some almost pleading and even ready to offer drinks and food.
– Selling my first semester textbooks was fun! I did it through textbook exchange, a wonderful site.
– ‘Prosh week’ – I enjoyed the sudden interruptions during the lectures.
– We tried a new technology during one of our chem tutes called touch-response. It was just like those tv shows where they ask for the audience’s opinion and the audience have a keypad and they press their answer and it was directly send to the main computer. Similarly, multiple-choice questions were put up and we had to press our answer. It was fun since that was the first time I did that.
– This semester, I had the first chance to get into the biology pracs in Redmond Barry building. As a result, I had a tiny confusion about the test at the end of the prac. I was given the answer scan sheet and was waiting for the questions to be distributed. And waiting. And waiting. I noticed that the others in front of me already got their questions. I looked around and there were 2 others in the same situation as me. Then one of them turn the answer sheet over and there are the questions! I had a small foolish laugh to myself, turned the sheet over and began on the questions.
– I had a very nice chem demonstrator this semester. Very friendly. At the end of our last prac, he gave all of us chocolates. That was very sweet.

Some of the not-so-good stuff:
– I got the first small suspension of my life. I learnt a lesson from it.
– I had one of the worse starts to the day – missed my bus to the train station, which in turn made me miss my train, walked the long way to the station, hopped on the wrong tram to uni. I never believed in ‘having a bad day’; now I do. However, I did get to class on time. Phew!
– Prosh week; I didn’t like the ‘stripping’ part.
– I tasted sushi for the first time and I hate it. Please don’t ask why. I know everyone loves them but I just don’t.
– What’s with all those spam e-mails during the spring break? Seriously, I am still confused!

Anyway, writing this blog was fun too.
In 2 weeks, I’m heading off overseas and that is something I simply cannot wait for. Good luck with the exam results, guys! And have fun.

Till next time

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