New Year, New Resolutions, New Approaches

A late Happy New Year to all!

I’ve always wondered how some people are restless and end up changing their course several times until they finally find something that feels ‘right’ to them. Now I’m struck with that feeling.

Recently I’ve been toying with the possible idea of aiming to do Medicine and being a doctor. What type of doctor I honestly don’t know, but the first year at Uni has really opened up my eyes and have amplified some of my desires.
About 5-6 years ago someone at high school was asking people what they felt their purpose in life was. I half heartedly answered ‘To help others.’ I find it funny that even now I would still probably answer that question in the same way, but now I can say it in a more confident manner.

It’s frustrating because it feels like I’m losing sight of what I’m aiming to do in music – to promote music towards the hearing impaired, simply because I have not found a single hearing impaired musician other than myself in Victoria. Also, one of the things I’ve found both enjoying and annoying about playing music is that sometimes it’s a completely different language which remains undefined until you put your own definition to it – I’ve spent several hours frustrating over several pieces because I’ve grasped the feeling but haven’t been able to put a name to it, other times it’s because I can’t grasp the feeling at all. It feels almost like an endless goal, but the beauty of it is that there is simply no end to it. I can work forever and ever and there would probably still be some room for improvement.

However I feel I do have the attitude and the brains to handle being a doctor, I enjoy high stress environments and rarely do I actually bother to work hard unless it’s for something I believe is worthwhile (after all, human lives are in your hands!).

Who knows. Maybe I’ve been watching too much Scrubs and playing too much on my Priest (obviously a support/healing character) on World of Warcraft.  I’ll stick it out for the rest of my music degree and see what happens 🙂

One thought on “New Year, New Resolutions, New Approaches

  1. Good luck with working it all out! I think a lot of people go through the same thing, so don’t stress.

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